"Wisconsin's gotta be a high seed, too."
"Wisconsin's gotta be a high seed, too."
I'm sorry, which race was smeared?
Given that he represented Ohio in Congress, I would say he wasn't from the South, or at least had a good deal of knowledge of the cold from many years of experience.
The Sixers think that bad mascotting will improve their chances at getting the #1 overall pick.
Nice job on your username, Boss.
Jeep Forward Control.
You're all about the whacking, aren't you?
Doesn't have to be the sole transmission, just having a manual available would be cool. I'm sure there are at least a few gazillionaires that would still prefer to row their own, even if it cost them an extra $10k.
I got the same result w/an E39 M5. My Vanagon, however, scored 71-80%
Perhaps the 76ers would do better signing Bynum than some of the castoffs that they have on their roster, thereby giving Bynum a (possibly) more attractive job than playing in China?
Gave you a star for the reference, but I'd probably just opt for a night with all three.
I agree. As an alternative, make the official timeout a thirty second affair if it comes shortly after a team timeout.
It's public transport in that it transports the public, but it is a business and is not owned by a government agency or authority. Less of that sort of thing in the states, though there are some examples. Chicago Water Taxi is public transport that is owned by a business.
What I want to know is which one of those fans got his shirt?
Just bring back the Vanagon, already.
And some people are into having sex with bicycles:
I think the nostril indentations on the hood top it all off.
Why does the front left quarter panel appear to be red? Respray? Or replaced panel? Or scam?
The vertical axis on this graph shows the collision rate, not the total number of collisions. Nothing in this graph reflects the number of cars driving slow vs. driving fast.
Everyone: "Hyperloop, hyperloop, HYPERLOOOOOOOP!!! HYPER!"