
How about a compilation of these trucks pulling massive loads up mountains? That'd be more impressive to me.

You pretty much have a lifetime entry to any small town parade with this conjoined twin. If it runs, NP.

If you are in the market for cars with two heads and no ass, I would suggest that you not get too picky about make and model. Good luck on your search for front-front car hijinx.

Good point. Would follow for Ks as well.

How valuable will these study results be? The numbers are probably going to be skewed by people who decline due to fear of prosecution, leaving them with an over-representation of sober drivers. I gotta think that anyone who has had a few is going to say "no thanks" and peace out.

I don't think there is Tesla-bashing going on here. Tesla obviously makes a good product. It's indisputably ground-breaking. But their customers aren't just new car buyers. They see themselves as (and frankly, they are) pioneers.

Damn, the original looks so good. This replica is so close, yet so far away.

Doesn't count unless it is rear-engined and and has a fold down bed in the back. And an available manual transmission.

Well, they're not as top-heavy as they look, so it may well have landed on its feet. Also, I drive one, and I'm not a hippie.

They did that w/the Vanagon, which was awesome. They should build a new Vanagon.

I think the roofline of the 8 series is lower than the waistline of the Rolls.

Make a new Vanagon!

Love Vanagons, especially those with a Subie. That's why I bought an '88 GL packing an EJ22 from a '94 Legacy.

Regarding #1: Wow. Have some decency, people. I'm not sure I could have resisted the urge to inform her of just how vile that is.

Suppose you want to get in the taxi business, but you don't have $1M lying around. Let's say you get a 30-year loan for at 6.5% to buy the medallion. Monthly payments on the loan are going to come out to be $6320.68. If you drive 6 days per week, you will need to net a rough average of $242.46 per day from fares in

You want to be able to limit the highest gear of a car with an auto tranny if you are going downhill on a steep grade and you want the tranny to help regulate the speed of the car. That way you are not solely relying on the brakes to keep the vehicle from going too fast.

Doing a bad job of putting your stuff into the overhead bin. Such as not packing well and unnecessarily taking up too much space. Or doing the opposite: squashing someone else's stuff while jamming your bag in there. Also, you always have people that try to put a bag that is too large for the overhead up there. Pack

You are correct in that we are no longer in the 50s. For the record, it should be pointed out that in 1950 the average CEO made 20 times what the average worker at their company made. Today, the average CEO of a Fortune 500 company makes about 200 times what the average worker makes.

I've always wanted to take one of these for a spin just to see what it's like shifting without fooling with the clutch. But I'm not sure if this is something that is worth owning. If something goes wrong with the tranny, who's going to fix it? I guess you could fly an out-of-work Saab engineer over to do the work, but

All lottery teams had an equal chance of getting the first pick until 1990, when the league began using a weighted system. It was introduced because many people felt like the worst team should not have the same chance as a team that barely missed the playoffs to get the first pick.