I don't think range would be an issue for most localized fleets. If they can build a truck with a solid 200 mile capacity that would be sufficient for most trucks with duties confined to one city.
Did any Vanagons (aka Transporters) show up?
Riding mass transit doesn't preclude someone from being an enthusiast. In some parts of the world, it is prohibitively expensive to own a vehicle, and a train might be the best way to get around. One can still get to enjoy and drive cars without owning one. Your argument suggests that none of the millions of people…
I have gotten stuck w/a Versa quite a few times when renting. They suck, but it's never occurred to me to ask for something different.
That quip would be more appropriate for a Cayman.
Yep, it's an opinion. Kind of like some folks back in the 50's and 60's (and earlier) who had the opinion that interracial couples ought to be able to get married.
I imagine a massage would be bad in that situation. Just to be clear my comments were focused on those who suffer from chronic back pain. If you have sudden onset of back pain that might not be an injury. It could be meningitis or something like that.
Well, it's not cheap, but I would say that spending on your health and pain relief should be viewed as non-discretionary. Try and make room for it in your budget.Some other tips:
I think I speak for the impatient masses when I ask:
Drew, I too am a 30-something long time back pain sufferer. If you haven't tried it, I would recommend:
Great vid! Thanks man!
The city of Atherton sits on maybe four square miles. Tesla cop cars in other cities might not be feasible, but it should work fine for this tiny and wealthy suburb.
Sweet, I'll give this a try. Thanks!
Please clue me in. I have a 2002 M5 and would love to be able to do this at the right moment. (Like when I pull up to a stop light and I see another Beast across from me. Happened last week.)
If you know of an ad, please post it. If the floor boards haven't rusted through, I would be inclined to go check it out.
How did he get the Beast to wink at the end? That's a mod I might be interested in.
Oh she definitely knows. Her left hip must be so chilly!
I don't think it is meant to be blood splatter; it is just a paint splatter design a la Jackson Pollack. There is both red and blue splatter in the fields of white. Although I can see how someone would get that impression.