"I must disagree with your enthusiasm for the second wild card team."
"I must disagree with your enthusiasm for the second wild card team."
I am shocked, shocked, I tell you. This falls far below the journalistic standards I've come to expect from Heart Radio.
Yeah come on Cleveland, WTF is your problem? Leave the Tiger fans alone. Nobody invited you here. Just go home already! GOSH!
We know the day, but what year was Honda incorporated?
It also sucks if you just moved to Chicago, like me.
Job well done, sir.
From someone who doesn't mind being sued.
Yeah, radioactive, testerone-infused birdseed.
The old Ravens logo is nevermore.
Whoa, now. I'm no hipster, but Sleater-Kinney rocks.
A crackhead with a flatbed rig.
I quoted from the video, which used the word "and" not "in".
I'll nominate the MLK Jr. Dr. exit off of southbound I-75/85 in Atlanta (AKA the Downtown Connector). Just to get positioned, you've got to merge across two lanes that are designated for the entrance ramps to I-20 east & west. These are liable to be stop & go 16 hours a day. Then your exit lane is also an entrance…
I'm pretty sure this will be scrapped. It sustained significant damage and is filthy. Would be easier to build a new one.
Just moved to Chicago. Does anyone ever refer to it as Comiskey, or Comiskey II?
Also, those three have shown a willingness to put forth some effort to try and win. Like spending some money. Loria makes people think he cares about winning, and then he sells off the team.
Yeah, well, Loria wouldn't know that.