Danny Leiva

I’ve seen comments in the previous episodes how this show doesn’t have as many scary moments than Hill House did. While I agree with that, I also feel it is clearly be design. Hill House was build around this central mystery what happened to mess the children up and the House itself was a malicious force. Yet I’d

This is why I talked about gift horses. Also, I don’t believe he supported Trump. I think he was being an asshole about how Trump won a narrow victory on what amounted to sheer luck and declared himself a Nostradamus to validate his arrogance. He never supported Trump so much as rolled his eyes and punched at white

Chappelle suddenly remembers he’s still a black guy in America. Funny how that works out now that the racial justice movement kicked into full blown rebellion and is fighting daily in the streets with cops.

Speculating here, but as this text does not have any criticism of any of the rowers, and has affiliate payment links... I would view it as advertising.

Speculating here, but as this text does not have any criticism of any of the rowers, and has affiliate payment

Speculating here, but as this text does not have any criticism of any of the rowers, and has affiliate payment links... I would view it as advertising.

Speculating here, but as this text does not have any criticism of any of the rowers, and has affiliate payment

Absolutely shocked that the gold standard C2 was not even listed.

Absolutely shocked that the gold standard C2 was not even listed.

I'm guessing because they're not sold on Amazon and therefore wouldn't generate a commission for Gawker? Otherwise, why would the article exclude the gold standard? Also, some colleges are now using other models other than concept2, but none of the ones listed here.

I'm guessing because they're not sold on Amazon and therefore wouldn't generate a commission for Gawker? Otherwise,

A bit surprised none of the Concept2 models were on here...they have been listed amongst the best ergometers for years. You do have the WaterRower, which is also listed at or near the top of most ‘top 5' lists.

A bit surprised none of the Concept2 models were on here...they have been listed amongst the best ergometers for

Now playing

Nice list! I gotta say I’m shocked to see no love for ARKHAM FUCKEN HORROR BAYBEEEEEEE. AH plays excellently with one player (or one player controlling multiple characters), and is a super deep game (with excellent art and fun lore to boot!) that you can play for...... literally hundreds of hours experimenting with

That is in fact what MF is doing: not suggesting that they should have done this, but asking why the show didn’t even address the really obvious possibility of having someone who is a murder ninja and has “murder Cersei” at the very top of her to-do list... do that.

Way to miss the point.

How about Arya training for a whole season to be able to disguise herself as literally anybody else (as long as she kills and slices off their face first) and to have a 100+ sneak, but when the most obvious tactical option would be for the North to send an assassin into King’s Landing to kill Cersei, nobody at the

Is this a joke review? Can we get a review from a grown up like Jason ? Oh wait he'll make it all about crunch.

No description of her alleged crime, and the “fraud” link you have in the article points to the Portuguese-English dictionary entry for the word “fraud”?

Could we get a list of the actual charges she’s being tried for? I assume one of them has to be mass murder, which is the only possible justification for locking a human being in a concrete box for five decades.

They’re being snarky in a reblog of a post that is two weeks old and is itself making reference to a magazine interview that is a month old. Watered-down snark is all these wannabe O’Neals have left.

I mean, I get that it’s a Sonic movie and none of this actually matters, but posting clearly false conspiracy videos under the guise of news seems like a slippery slope, especially for a website that posts political stuff through the lens of entertainment...

“Didn’t you guys used to be journalists?”

No, it wasn’t. And there’s an insane amount of evidence from accounts from the animators who had to work on the redesign to pictures behind the scenes with the original design.

All these schools need the endless supply of easy money reduced. Students don’t fully understand how loans work, they just see free money. And when the moneys free you don’t put the same effort in to ensure your receiving whats best from it. Colleges see this, they know a shiny student center and fancy housing will