Danny Leiva

Maybe, and I know this may sound preposterous, all those authors who weren’t 21st century Americans can’t be judged as if they were 21st century Americans. Trying to discern racial politics in the lack of racial descriptions in a play (which is all dialogue anyway) set in Medieval Italy and meant to be performed in

Shakira was hot as fuck. J-Lo not far behind. Even my wife Ursa was turned on. We.loved that these middle-aged ladies were so talented, self-assured, and sexy. Holy shit, this was WAY better than stupid Adam Levine last year.

That halftime show was extremely Latino and I loved it. 

No. I will not watch. I will not contribute one second of time to this, other than this rant.

A guy named Steve died in a car accident today. You know, as long as we’re relaying obituaries for people the readers of AV Club have never fucking heard of, and are in no way relevant to the material that the AV Club publishes.

And for best Lovecraft-inspired film, top honors go to The Void.

Yup, apparently some guys in the 16th century decided to make it look like an actual lamb instead of some weird-ass mutant. Can’t say I blame them. 

Im really enjoying this game

Played the game past where this article was written about and basically all his major complaints are address really quickly. Like, I’ll be honest had he played beyond what is effectively the tutorial section he’d know this. I am rather shocked having now actually played the game how much I disagree with this article. 

I despise gifs that don’t run the full length of their captions....

Well, Disney’s also dead, so there’s that.

You know, William Fox has been dead for 67 years, and in fact never did run the studio called “20th Century Fox” as he lost control of his company well before that, but I bet he’s still pissed at this.

“Pizza Hot Pockets are neither like strombolis, which do not have sauce, nor calzones, which ooze with soft and stretchy cheese.”

this is the most negative i have heard though it is still early. i watched some peeps play on twitch and it looked like a lot of fun. 40-100 hours with the characters sounds like fun for me especially with all the spring big releases getting delayed.

What an edgy shitpost.

there’s never been a good Dragon Ball game that—removed from nostalgia and love for the source material—can stand on its own merits.

The majority of reviews have been largely positive, and that alongside being a massive dbz fan has me pretty excited for midnight to hit.

I’d argue that a full on DragonBall rpg could absolutely work, since it’s far removed from planet destroying fights of Z, and contains a lot of the elements that would be perfect for an open-world RPG

Did... you read the article? Don’t think so.

That’s not what community is. Community is the character-link upgrade system. The term is referring to the community of characters in the story, not any sort of online community. It’s not even a fighting game, it’s a completely single-player RPG.