Danny Leiva

Counterpoint: if your son is a mass-murdering psychopath, then maybe the right thing to do is acknowledge that they’ve crossed a line. Leia is not a piece of shit, but she’s also intensely moral and strong. It would break her heart, but I think she would realise that Kylo was not the Ben she used to know.

Why is it that no writer at any point was ever willing to just commit to Kylo being a villain? He’s a wretched little rat bastard, he doesn’t need redemption just because his grandad did. Just let him be evil!

He. Murdered. His. Dad.

“It’s so cool that they’re bringing in Palpatine’s boss(?) after never mentioning him in any movies. So neat that he was just off-screen the entire time!”

This thing we’ve never seen before could be fine if done right. Have to try and explain your way around how it wouldn’t invalidate the Rule of Two. Get around that and go nuts. Have him be outside the Rule of Two in some way.

But making this guy somewhat lovecraftian could work. An entity that works on much longer

I think you’re ruining it with this crude warning showing up first in the comments.

Seriously, the Watchmen score has been on in my office non-stop, and brilliant as though I understand it to be, the Social Network’s has never really tracked with me. I think honestly that this was just a need on the part of the writer to give themselves some edge.

“even if they usually just do variations on moody bleeps and ominous droning (listen, it’s December 26, nobody’s gonna stop us from getting real today)“

It was literally 8 seconds of screen time. Care to revise your bullshit?

It has completely been a non-issue and yet comes up in every review. 

I can’t say I shared the frustration. Even with the recruitment scenes and backstory I felt it moved swiftly and had solid tension that built throughout.

I actually have something important to add that will change entirely how you feel about my comment... I won’t say it here though, it’ll be mentioned in one of my later comments 😛

I appreciate how you waited until the last sentence of the article to mention it’s a Kickstarter and will theoretically release in a year. Thanks, Luke. Thluke.

There are valleys of difference between purely vocal and live-action performance. Much more room for perceived error in the latter.

Wait. How is this normal?

Normal: Working at a craft, looking at what you have done, appreciating it for what it is.

Not normal: Working at a craft, looking at what you have done, freaking the fuck out.

I make a lot of music. After about a year of:”Fuuuuuck. I hate my voice. I never want to hear it.” I got over it. Now

There’s a pretty darn solid argument to be made that the writing and influence of Marx has led to more suffering and destruction than the actions of any other individual in history so, you know, no thanks.

The irony of doing that on TGA with tons of capitalist sponsors and making games for a capitalist market.

Fuck you.

In a rational world that valued outcome as much as intent, this would be greeted as the equivalent of shouting “Heil Hitler”. I don’t care how “well intentioned” you think communism is “on paper”, it’s a genocidal weapon of mass economic and spiritual destruction. That said, there is a 99% possibility that the leftist

I thought it was a really nice touch that Frost switched with Caitlin for what they thought was the moment they were saying goodbye to their Barry.