Dan J

Sure, but nothing in Million Ants’s comment contradicts that fact, and you completely missed their point: It would literally take 13 hours to convert all the tapes to digital files, and none of the characters in possession of the tape have any incentive to make them widely available online, even if the process to do

True. But who is to blame for that, Von Trier? Seriously? It’s unfortunate, but Von Trier is not to blame. That’s just ridiculous.

I mean they’re analog, so they’d have to be intentionally put online rather than found there, and the only people who have them are the people about whom private information is shared on them (plus her parents) who certainly don’t want the world hearing that shit. I can’t imagine why any of them would do that.

I’m terrified of the concept of a roaring 20's speakeasy run by Veronica. Because that means more musical numbers and more retro mobster corniness. Ugh.

Cheryl in a barrel.

It’s not like he forced her to watch it. If someone is that easily triggered, maybe it’s your fault for not doing the research.

Haha are you really blaming a movie on causing someone physical harm?

Rule #1: don’t feed the trolls. Your average MAGA hat-wearer under age 65 is wearing it specifically to elicit a reaction. Pissing your pants over a hat is playing right into their hands.

I am ashamed. I am ashamed that it has come to this. I am ashamed that the level of corruption and bullshit in U.S. politics reached such a tone that it became necessary to elect a person like Donald Trump. I am ashamed that a mere hat could elicit such a response from people whom are by the nature of their work are

They investigated and other employees corroborated the account.

I have to ask - Why do you assume that you have to be religious or anti-LBGTQ to be conservative? Some of us just want smaller government, that’s all.

It takes a really bitter person to say that Asia’s sit-down with The Vixen was anything but congenial. As was her helping literally every queen with outfits in prior weeks.

Seeing a lot of pro-Vixen sentiment on Twitter from my “woke” friends and I... just don’t get it.

Vixen makes for dramatic television, yes, but her last two runways were 3rd grade art class. Her lip-syncs are STUNNING so she will last a while (and should, it’s called LSFYL for a reason). But I rebuff at the idea that

OK I can’t be the only one that thinks it’s bad optics to have three bad guys that are Hispanic, Black and Asian fighting a very White, blonde good guy?

You are right. But so are they. If he’s up for election in 2020 he’ll win.

That’s kinda how I was. Nothing she said offended me, it just wasn’t funny. Like, at all. And it seemed like the laughter she did get was sympathy laughter and not genuine. It was just awkward.

Hmm... some clues as to who the Black Hood is:

I had your back until you used the word “retarded.” That’s a million times worse than “cuck.” It’s a bigoted term. Shame on you.

His opinion is actually fact: The Academy has always had a rule that films can only qualify if their initial release is theatrical.