Holy shit, you just saw David Duchovny onscreen and you’re snidely talking about ANDERSON looking her age?!
Holy shit, you just saw David Duchovny onscreen and you’re snidely talking about ANDERSON looking her age?!
I agree with you, and the rational part of my brain knows that human connection and reaching out are ultimately far more effective than bitterness.
so let me get this straight- when donald trump works with wikileaks and their russian backers to release hillary clinton’s emails, the AV club thinks this is bad, but when chelsea manning works with wikileaks and their russian backers to release a whole lot of US military secrets, they think this is good.
what mental…
Chelsea Manning was never a political prisoner. She committed an actual crime and was convicted and sentenced for it. With all the wisdom and depth of thought of a 20 year old high school graduate, she released decades worth of classified reporting from US diplomats overseas. Ya know, the people who try to keep us and…
Anyone who knows David Byrne’s history of collaborating with women (and people of color) in music knows that he really has nothing to apologize about on that front. I understand why he apologized but I wish he hadn’t.
Bullshit - Educate , don’t denigrate. Otherwise you are a troll full of fucking shit. Do you want people to transform and understand and grow or is this some pretentious jezebel cunt club where you all virtual high five each other for being condescending shit stains to people trying to learn?
RuPaul is just trying to protect his brand. He’s taken a very queer, diverse art style that spans many genders, sexes, and gender identities and created a processed, mass-produced, particular style of “McDrag” for his target audience of cishet women who just want to see men act as flamboyantly faggy as possible.…
Im starting to think the left is no better than the right.
I see Ru’s initial point in a way. At what point are you not doing drag anymore because you are a woman? But I also understand everyone else.
I don’t think he is being unreasonable here at all. He accepts trans people and welcomes them. But it really is different when they start formal transition when its a drag competition. And, yes, there are always going to be blurry lines about when a transition really starts. Because gender is not a black and white…
I dunno, after all the killings happened, this backwards timeline doesn’t work for me. We pretty much know all there is that we need to know about how everything started, so watching this was a massive chore for me.
Oh, Mulder. I love that even though he was 99% sure he was saving their lives, he really, really hated coming off that tip.
holy s**t, remember when people used to invade Beatles’ homes or novelists or even scientists?
Exactly. I’m a visual artist and I really like Sherald’s style. But that doesn’t change the fact that she did not paint Michelle Obama’s face — if you didn’t know who it was supposed to be, I doubt many people would guess it was her, because Sherald failed to get the proportions of her facial features right.
Like at gunpoint? Knifepoint? Was it a gang of thugs or just one?
It was the cherry on top of a lot of cheap references to the other shows in this episode. We’ll see if they go anywhere interesting with it in Season 2. Personally I gave up on caring about how they try to shoehorn this series into TOS continuity several episodes ago.
You’d have to be totally crazy to assume Tarantino was malicious in having her drive the car or happy that she got hurt. Dangerous, stupid, careless, sure, but the sloppy writing of the original article mixed with the outraged reactions (often from people who already didn’t like the director for one reason or another)…
Anyone else bothered by the fact that his opening song was the one that destroyed a woman’s career but left him unharmed? Especially at the same event? Seems like a massive insult to Janet Jackson and only amplifies how sexist things went down.
Let’s be clear, Prince would not have liked ANY of this. He would not have wanted his likeness, his performances, etc to be used in any way that wasn’t fully in his control. Prince was incredibly narrow in his vision of his music, it exists in the medium he created it for, for that medium, and HIS performaces…
He talks about his opposition to using “virtual reality” to create posthumous duets