
This is false in my experience. As a reporter having known several SROs in smaller cities, they all requested the assignment because they like working with kids and want to improve the poor image some have of police (which has been earned in some cases).

Derrick Rose has blurry vision and might miss the season opener. Your 2-4 Bears just gave the Lions their first win of the year. Kane might have raped somebody. Not great times, guys.

I don’t know about an official position, but I think most of us would agree that the point of interest here is probably that this is an example of the sort of thing that will inevitably happen when a self-interested cartel prevents the formation of normal economic relationships between employers and employees.

That is our word!!

Why didn’t his mom just wake him up?

Can you imagine the new levels his sociopathy would reach with CTE and a bunch of spare time on his hands? We might be safer with him on the field.

This makes me absurdly proud to be a Masshole. That accent and all those F-bombs ring like soft bells of joy in my ears.

They are all insane people. Even poor, stressed-out, occasionally lucid-seeming John Kasich: bonkers. Pathology is

This...you’re saying a lot of stuff I’ve felt about the tyranny of taste in general.

My life is so boring that I have this recurring dream in which I try to get on the train, but my Metro Card scans “INSUFFICIENT VALUE.”

Is it OK to have an opinion if you tried to read one of his books and strongly didn’t like it?

That’s fine! He’s clearly a masterful writer. This just happened to be the first blog-worthy (I hope) thought I had while reading Purity.

I rather like Jonathan Franzen.

Any chance we could have this in useful GIF form for quick and easy access?

And that the fucking remedial chant is so easily thrown back in our face. Even my 4-year old thinks it's funny to say "J-E-S-T", and that little bastard can't even read.

I hope this gives Cowherd a heart attack.

“How is anyone supposed to deal with that?”

Chuck Blazer Admits Taking Yearly Bribes Of Cookies And Milk From Hopeful Children The World Over

Could there be a worse decision in a redemption piece than to declare your kinship with renowned lunatic Ayn Rand?

The idea of boycotts really bothers me, because there are players for whom those cups represent the only opportunity to take part in the biggest competition in the world. There are countries who will qualify for the first time (like Bosnia last time) and that is huge for small countries in general not just in terms of