
Vendor wins the fight everybody.

That'2 M3an.

Bah, you don't know anything.

I'd normally let a pithy response die in peace, but I'm pretty sure I'm right about this. Stoppage time is regulated, but it's very subjective. The referee maintains a running count of how many minutes are added to each half. All told, the game's usually between 90 and 110 minutes, depending on how much they dick

Yeah, last time I checked the clock is just a watch that the ref wears but he just ends the game when he feels like it anyway.

Well, to be fair I love baseball, and kind of because I once had the following conversation with a young woman at a baseball game:

"Disgraceful" seems a bit misguided man. I feel like ESPN has at least one weekly Top Ten highlight from a South American soccer game and the field is just littered with industrial-grade firework debris, because that's a thing to do in the stands. Even the players here look like they're saying, "Oh, word, they get it

From Wikipedia:

Christ doesn't anybody watch OG Law & Order anymore?

It's only a matter of time before they do away with this distinction. And I'm a grammar prescriptivist proofreader asshole. AP did away with caring about "over" and "more than," and I'm pretty sure Bryan Garner is even giving up the ghost on "less" and "fewer." If we're gonna be dicks about it, the hyphens are


Never trust a company that refers to its media as "content." It's an evil neologism.

I mean, sports radio is going to be pretty inconsequential no matter how you flavor it, right? I'm just saying I prefer goofballs to jerks.

I love that 98.5 The Sports Hub has dominated ratings in Boston based solely on the fact that they market themselves as the opposite of WEEI. And as a response, WEEI has become even more... assholes.

This is a thing that happened in Will Leitch's article:

That's fair, but if accurate, a wild mistake, right? Why are we using an entire season to prop up a guy who doesn't need any propping up? Also, no hard feelings here (really), but I'd be remiss if I didn't note that the man's name was Don Zimmer. You're either referencing the accomplished film editor or a bad man who

It's interesting how ESPN and FOX have curated MLB in the last decade or so. It's marketed as historical and legendary to the point that it's almost like we're watching Ken Burns live. You know? There's this very weird self-awareness. It's totally speculative to get into FOX's motives behind not mentioning Gwynn, but

That's a sad sentiment. It's like saying that because Jeter's got more Facebook friends, his retirement is more significant than Gwynn's death. At the risk of sounding sanctimonious, Gwynn deserved to be recognized because when I was a kid, someone was always Tony Gwynn in the back yard. Full disclosure: I'm a Red Sox

This might be horrendously misguided, but I always kind of had a soft spot for Kruk. I know he's probably got more money than God, but he seems hapless in a likable way. I feel like he'd be a pleasant neighbor.