Danny Fiasco McKinnon

Bahahahaha………you got me there flame bot, is this the kind of imagery you think about often……..bet youd like that ehh. Lolololol check plz we got a weirdie

Ok bird milf you gonna stick with thd grammar police thing because you dont actually have an opinion..?….thanks for lettin md off easy word wizard,now take a seat

Ok bud thanks for coming out……..its not the man ,although i share alot of the same views ………its the message that he puts across that is so damn importent.

Not bad………..you? Anyways,next

That you guys actually deny the elephant in the room shows such a lac of humility on your parts that it pains me not to feel sorry for you,try as i might knowing that there are some people who are so insecure because your poor ego's cant face the fact that they were bamboozled into believing a lie all there life…….and

You call this news

Laugh at you.poor guy think you even have a clue. Your so far behind you think your first……bahahaha

Sit down unless u have something not gay to say …..

Spelling ? Or typo ? Thanks for coming out lol the grammar police just showed up,i better be careful

Actually you all sound half retarded which prolly follows suit that your all left wing libtards that prolly all voted for Hillary.to let you all know its ok to come out of the dark the people with balls will protect you,no need to hide,the brave people have broke the trail for you

Its too bad i share the same name as you but unlike me you must be half a retard to not see any truth in any of the topics alex advocates and its sad to know that there are still idiot cucks like you that are still so stone age in your views and still be given a pen to actually document your lac witted ideas on a