1967's The Graduate. Crash the wedding ceremony of a woman you mostly know from fucking her mother, yell the brides name like a dinosaur giving birth, beat people up with a cross.
1967's The Graduate. Crash the wedding ceremony of a woman you mostly know from fucking her mother, yell the brides name like a dinosaur giving birth, beat people up with a cross.
good to see a reference to Kim Kelly in Freaks and Geeks. That episode was unnerving.
“Blind Side” sounds like straight up mid 70's glam rock, if you didn't know any better you'd think the band has shag haircuts and wears spandex. In a good way.
Now might also be a good time to revisit Richard Hammond Meets Evel Knievel.
Doug Gillard was probably the one gunslinger guitarist Pollard has worked with, they really need to get back together.
I love that about "Ha Ha Man" and a lot of GbV songs, he pulls off some vocal acrobatics that would get applause on a singing contest show with the apparent effort of flicking a cigarette. Also, his octave jumping at the end of Drag Days.
The Right Stuff. The "lucky" gum of pilots."Hey Riddley, you got any Beeman's?"
I still look for the stuff and buy it whenever I can.
Any love for "Evangeline"? Those snakey guitar lines tell a story no lyrics ever could.
"I've Been Waiting" is "Nowhere Man" with a girlfriend.
Your comment goes well with the Bo Diddley I'm A Man riff every fifth word. Well, everything does really.
Had one, it was dollar store quality, with thin and lightweight injection molded toy soldier figures. I'm sure it had no connection to the actual show, but it had MASH in giant letters on the packaging. They included a toy helicopter that was a model of a Sikorsky H-34, which was nothing at all like the bubble top…
I have an outlier perspective, Was classic rock and metal in my teens, new wave and what they used to call college rock in my early 20s. Played in a working covers band. Then I had family, settled down into the grind. Almost completely gave up on music for a decade, maybe more. Older now, kids grown up. After my self…
Mark II Deep Purple with Gillian, Paice, Lord, Glover and Blackmore was the perfect hard rock band. They had exactly the right chemistry and every album they made was a monster. It couldn't last, that perfect balance was just too fragile.
Jon Ham and Bryan Cranston in a remake of Kelly's Heroes, James Franco as tank commander Oddball.
Pink Floyd's heaviest song, The Nile Song, goes up a step and changes key with every verse, until it goes up an octave and then has the balls to go back to to original key of A. Six key changes. I thought that was genius.
As long as it's not "Caroline No". That song is a hymnal for walking in front of a train.
If someone made me come up with Zep stuff I hate, it would be limited to two things. The noisy and unlisteneable middle section of Whole Lotta Love, which kills the momentum of the song, and All Of My Love, the most unZeppeliny song Zeppelin ever did.
If stealing music sounds like Led Zep, I'm all for it! Seriously, do a side by side comparison of the songs in question. They never really sound exactly alike and the Zep take on it is always far more sublime.
Very Chaplinesque, it just reels you in without a word being said. Also, the entire Quadrophenia album is like a gothic cautionary tale of teenage angst.
I always imagine Ringo singing it while dressed like Fred Astaire.