
There is exactly one in the entire game and you can easily run to a point of grace (and the exit right beyond it) without fighting a single enemy. It’s one of the chests in the dragon ruins right at the start of the game, it teleports you to a shed in the middle of the caelid dungeon with all the pests.

A lot of it comes down to really good players focus on not getting hit or making mistakes so armor just slows them down.  I suck at the game so I try to keep the big numbers on my body to lower the damage, if even a little

“Why are people not completing these NPC quest lines?”, publishers fret as NPCs teleport to random, obscure spots on the map dependent on unexplained world state changes or dialogue remaining.

Poor Blaidd is an absolute bro as well

In the current age of instant access information, Russian propaganda is so damned easy to see through.

This game also has yet ANOTHER example of wearing Burger King mascot heads to gain magical power, it’s just baffling that folks like such unoriginal games.

late edit but it’s Morgott* who needs to be defeated, not Mohg.

How far are you in the main story? Allegedly Mohg needs to have been defeated, but if Maliketh is defeated you’ve gone too far.

Hoarfrost Stomp was by far the worst, since people could reach it so quickly, and then ruin players in Limgrave by killing them before they had any kind of counter even in theory.

As long as my Moonveil Katana lets me be a mage with a sword I’m good.

Do not give her the potion. Seluvis is a shitlord

I personally will not be happy until From has changed the game balance in such a way that I am the only one that can beat it.

Lol the way they slowly sidestep those daggers is supreme badass energy. When someone really understands the mechanics it makes these fights look so simple. It really comes down to timing and spacing and staying calm. Most of my deaths are from getting hit once and then panicking and dodge spamming away to try and

The right-hand only attack means all attacks require spinning around the enemy in a clockwise circle.

I like Torrent because it is the closest any game has gotten to giving me Yakul from Princess Mononoke.

Also because I can run up to a roaming boss, whack it, check what effect my attack has on its healthbar (read: none), and then just book it until I gain a few levels.

Horse pro-tip: the double jump does not negate fall damage at all, despite looking like it should.  

Reynolds livestream:

Odd thing is, for all the impact of the love triangle in FF7, it’s Barret’s scene from the Remake which does the most to flesh out the character.

Do you understand Cloud enough to realize just how terrible what you described would be for him?

Maybe he got confused if she’s the party member that always had the Steal Materia. I kept it on her because I thought its upgrade, Mug, was thematically appropriate lol. Typically the party member that steals is the thief, so I can understand getting wires crossed if he’s just a FF nut in general.