
I’m just going to pirate more because you said this. XD

Is Bandcamp still doing Bandcamp Fridays where all the profit goes to the artists? Because that was a cool thing. I bought a few songs and releases in 2020 to support some of my favorite bands.

Buy CDs. Rip your own digital copies. It’s ridiculous easy to do, you get to control the quality yourself, and you’re supporting the artist instead of some streaming company that refuses to pay artists.

Hahaha, that dude getting pinballed between the XBOX and PS spoof accounts is good trolling.

Team17 is licencing the Worms brand to our newest third-party partner so they can...

It was also part of the plot of Superman III.

No thanks man. I don't want you fuckin' up my life too! 

“The point of NFTs is decentralization on public distributed ledger technologies”

That confusion is part of the point. A lot of it is deliberately over complicated to make it seem valid. And it allows proponents to dismiss critics, by claiming they don’t understand.

Apparently the coding and infrastructure are fairly complex. But you don’t need to know dick about that to understand the concept.


It’s almost as if NFTs are a solution in search of a problem and that pretty much everything crypto bros claim they enable for gaming has been possible from a technical perspective for years.

I suspect that their hope is for the average number of sales per item to be very high, so they get their cut multiple times, and to occur for a relatively long time so that they have a constant profit stream. Sort of like Gamestop’s business model of selling and reselling the same copy of a game multiple times. The

Let’s all say it together, folks:

That headline is correct: McConnell’s feelings are genuinely hurt and the outrage and offense is in no way performative to sway low information voters and for partisan repetition. Nailed it.

I’ve never been accused of this sort of thing before

I hope the genre continues to prosper and we see even more indie titles that use the quirky mechanics to great advantage.

I have never heard a single person who uses the term entrepreneur who isn’t a giant tool.  

Guess what? You and your company are scalpers too! Fuck you!

Unless he literally goes to the authorities immediately and starts a massive (from the dollar figure standpoint) fraud investigation, then this is all staged nonsense. I get that he’s rich, but this is still $3.5 million that was stolen from him.

I’m pretty sure this whole video and setup is also fake lol.