
You literally agree with every of Schreier’s postions, just softening the tone. In what way is that “the exact opposite”?

It never made sense to me. I feel like he could have easily left the studio and founded his indie shop without shutting down Irrational. They probably could have made some more Bioshock games without him, at least kept their jobs for a few years. But no, he had to kill the company dead. Probably because nobody would

I dunno, “managers not understanding or caring how much effort things actually take” is par for the course in every industry

Yes, I feel appropriately shamed in retrospect. It couldn’t have been more obvious if she had said “So long screwy, see you in St. Louis”

Honestly, I don’t see the flashbacks were intended to be the games, it was call back to history which for us is the previous films.

The games seemed more plot device than anything. Making Anderson a media creator, games in this case, gives a way for inevitable flashbacks/dreams/memories to be channeled that doesn’t

Jesus. Bugs....White Rabbit....I did not make that Loony Toons connection, I just though it was another hacker handle.

I... don’t look forward to the massive sales anymore. I remember a time when I budgeted the Christmas sales into my yearly “let’s buy some games” schedule, but...

Yeah...but they do too, and honestly they have an even worse track record lol.

That would be a safe assumption if Japan itself didn’t also have an even more abundant and absolute horseshit record of doing so themselves lol.

But can you really blame them for thinking Westerners are into big-budget live action adaptations of anime? We keep making them, after all.

To be fair, Keanu Reeves is more Asian than Scarlet Johansson.

Yah, I am getting pretty sick of Netflix’s business model of being too harsh with handling their production and cutting their losses when more time is clearly needed to find successes.

I really wish they had at least one more season to find themselves. I can’t side with the “worst thing ever” crowd, as I had fun watching this myself and thought Jet was done incredibly well. I liked the banter between the crew and some of there narrative changes. There was a alot that I took issue with, primarily

Ankha pics pls.

Shit I knew it! My parents must have gotten me the vaccine when I was 5!

Spoken like someone who’s got a serious case of American privilege.

Sure, I’ll take you up on the offer.

The utility (and value) of NFT’s will be created through social media platforms. For many digital representations is > physical representation and (if/when) Twitter/TikTok (discord backed away from it) roll out the ability to display flair on a social media profile that will be a turning point. We see how bananas

fits your narrative”