
“It’s a beautiful day, not just for Bill Cosby because this is about all Americans, making sure that they get justice.”

Hugh Hefner, Cosby’s old running buddy, banned Cosby from the Playboy Mansion in 1974.

This is what the Anakin/Padme meme was built for.

Cat rucksacks.

I’d rather have the knock off. The real one looks creepy, like you’ve actually killed a cat, had it stuffed and you’re wearing it’s corpse as a trophy.

I’m incredibly excited for this game for a whole host of reasons: I really like the genre overall (this kind of storytelling just really leans into the medium’s strengths); the studio is obviously great (Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time); it looks really good (it looks like there might actually be a lot of

He looks like a really shitty wax figure of his former self, which already looked like a shitty was figure.

He looks like the bones in his face are turning to jelly.

Would anyone be able to tell the difference between a Paul brother with or without CTE?

Is that any way to talk about America’s future President?

It took me until the last sentence to figure out whether we were talking about Mayweather or Paul.

I get it, it’s tangentially related to things this site would cover because it’s Pokemon related, but do we really have to keep giving this dude mindshare, not just here, but like, in general? The only reason this guy gets to keep doing the dumb shit he gets to do, while getting even richer, is because everyone keeps

is it worth a million? sure, but only if someone is willing to pay that much. if nobody wants that specific card enough to pay a million then it’s not worth that much money. if some dumb guy buys it for a million and nobody else is willing to pay that much then that dumb guy just wasted a million dollars and the value

Ken-tleman was particularly delightful, for me, since I had yet to encounter that little gem!

My theory is “because assholes gonna assholes”. Normally, an asshole like the folks featured in the story let out a little bit of it at a time. Like, they micro-agression 5 or 6 people a week. But because it’s micro-agressions, it never rises to the level of “oh my, now you are internet-famous”.

between every single thing you listed AND the way people are acting like complete dickheads on airplanes...what the fuck happened?  why can’t we just enjoy NOT being in the fucking house all the time?

It’s been discovered she doesn’t even live in Oakland. She lives in a super pricey South Bay city. She and her husband also recently had to settle a lawsuit because they refused to pay for work done on an investment property. Really stand up people here.

Actual and factual. Plenty of us out here during the pandemic weren’t having any problems not engaging with the general public for this very reason - people are the worst. Just things like kids in restaurants acting the fool and the parents who let them, tables of loud adults that can’t handle their liquor, people in

That’s what is so ridiculous. Every time there is proof....REAL PROOF...of voter fraud, it is embittered Republicans that feel no remorse for doing it. From what they believe, they think that there is rampant fraud, so why should the be prosecuted for it.