Danny Bigelow

Danny Thomas made "2 Girls 1 Glass Table" 60 years prior.

They could easily make James Bond from a Commonwealth.

If you're into LA punk history, make sure you also check out Jack Grisham's "An American Demon", Alice Bag's "Violence GIrl", John Doe's "Under The Big Black Sun" as well as the photo books by Glen E. Friedman, Jenny Lens & Jim Jocoy.

No mention of Terry Southern??

Billy had 30 hits before he wrote that one. McLean begins and ends with the Pie.

The problem is the use of real names in this and reinventing true incidents. The story that should have been told was Detroit in the late 60s-early 70s. The money went towards the cast, the sets, and the music but the story has to be credible, especially when a lot of people who were there when it happened are

You don't read too many interviews with Lydon where PiL is the main topic of discussion. I don't think he was even 21 when the Pistols broke up yet he's created a lot of music since then.

Frank Zappa's backing band passed themselves off as a new wave band.

One of the most violent shows on TV and they're focused on man ass, and most public libraries carry the DVDs anyway. The only thing they're right about is people wanting to pay for the cable channels they watch.

There's a lot of really dark songs on that album. It's still better than October, Unforgettable Fire, and just about everything they've released from 2000 to last week.

Not a lot of people know Tom's fluent in Spanish. I think this is the only song where he gets to show it off, although "Hijo de la chingada madre" might get your ass kicked .

He went to Hilltop High in Chula Vista and lived a couple of blocks from the high school. If you find an old phone book at one of the libraries, it's easy to figure out where the house is at.

I'm sure this and Velvet Goldmine get a lot of play on Louis CK's DVD player.

He should have called it ADora - a concept album about Dora the Explorer.

This is about trying to reunite Breaking Bad and Guns N' Roses, isn't it? Or Val Kilmer's the new frontman for Velvet Revolver.

Lou Reed made it sound like Doc was sad and frustrated (and a little buzzed) that it was his wedding day and he was stuck in the chair watching his new wife dance. He wrote the song on wedding stationery.

He was the organ guy in a bar band from 16-21. He was playing the bar because it had to do with a bad contract he signed but after a few months, sucked it up, lived with the fact he had to give a huge chunk to a guy that was once Morris Levy's protege.

Danzig's got a brick with Jerry Only's name written all over it.

Let's not forget Carrie was married to Paul Simon.

Now, have them fix a tape jam and make the tape playable. Here's a splice kit and a screwdriver, kids.