
“It seems like Williams was utterly unable to carry out his job by doing anything other than making plans and sticking with them, unique circumstances be damned”

Kevin Johnson would get absolutley murdered in the primary by Gavin Newsom, or Antonio Villaraigosa, or any number of bored Democratic congresspersons. The only real risk of him winning is if ol’ Gavin can’t clear the Democratic field enough and Johnson sneaks past like four other Democrats with strategic Republican

look at the big brain on brad

This symbol should be pointing up instead of down.

Do you pick up your trash at a baseball game?

He hasn’t criticized the NFL yet.

It took 17 years, but Ryan has finally been surpassed as the most disappointing Leaf to come from a WSU.

If it’s anything like when I make a save he probably just got a clear ball.

What a save!
What a save!
What a save!

I would argue that the game is BETTER for the lack of chatting between strangers.

“Ah, the homeless period,” he says. “Everyone makes it out to be a bad thing, but it really wasn’t.”

The police report mentions that, as the attack was taking place, Kromer repeatedly yelled, “This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps.”

Dear all Pats fans who are coming to post the exact same whine,

M.A.S.K., please.

Here’s hoping for M.A.S.K. or Centurions!
Or Silverhawks maybe?

Not that I would know, but it takes a lot longer for your body to process edibles vs. smoking the stuff. What you did is a big no-no. Also, if you did wait, your buddy needs to work on his butter’s consistency or you’ll get some parts with almost nothing and some parts with all the fucking THC ever.

After securing hundreds of millions in public funds to pay for a new arena for the Sacramento Kings, he’s now the most popular guy in the least thought-about city of half a million people in the country.

Eh hem. Eh hem. Excuse me, I seem to have a frog in my throat. Eh hem (this list is bullshit). Eh hem! [I’m just joking, not really complaining. Well ok, a tiny bit.]

The reporter didn’t turn this into a story, Bumgarner did. Nothing Scherzer said was inaccurate.