I’m glad bananas are no longer only used for size scale, but for price scale as well.
I’m glad bananas are no longer only used for size scale, but for price scale as well.
What shady-ass websites are you visiting?
Only seeing the title and gif, I thought it was sarcasm.
If this wasn’t actually how some people think I’d say you are a grade A troll.
I can’t believe that we’re still at a point where women simply saying “Hey, can you please not threaten us with violence and death when we express an opinion?”garners such a backlash that they need specific security procedures...
I thought they just had to flip the bug switch to off.
More like asshole on sociopath-vigilante crime.
That’s true. “LOL” would have been a better example for internet lingo. Still no need to spell it out for the small percentage who may not know what it means.
While I hate acronyms without context as much as you, “TL;DR” is one of those that normally doesn’t need to be explained. Like when someone uses “etc.” in their writing. They shouldn’t have to spell out et cetera the first time, even though there may be a few who don’t know what etc. means.
You’re actually not far off. I don’t want him as president but I like him purely on the basis that he’s the only one who isn’t a politician by trade.
Stick with it. It’s super rewarding once you get the game down. Been playing for a full year now and still can’t wait to get home from work and fire it up. Having a HOTAS makes all the difference for immersion. Hit me up if you have any questions and check out the subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangero….…
It’s like Chris Bangle had a love child with an Aztec.
Yeah, a game like this you really need to understand the maps and players to be effective. It’s not like COD where you can just log on day one wreck people with killstreaks. It requires teamwork above all else. The most organized team will win 9/10 times.
On PC? If you don’t find a match in 60 seconds, try again. Two or three tries will find you match in my experience. Beta issues...
No cover system. I’m happy they went back to their roots, but I guess it’s not for everyone. It feels more like a successor to Ravenshield (my favorite) than RS Vegas.
Some agencies, such as the US Postal Service....will continue to operate as usual.
We have different definitions of “completely playable” You’re actually at a disadvantage playing on that low of fps in a shooter. I’m sure there’s some people who don’t think you need anything more than ‘98 Tercel to get around, and they’re probably right, but it’s 2015 and I don’t want a Tercel.
Except I do know my preferences better than the devs so this is a good service.
Depending on the game, it’s extremely noticeable. Try a first person shooter.