
As with most conspiracy theorists, it’s like dealing with religious zealots. They’ve already completely made up their mind on their position and have an unyielding faith they’re correct, even in the face of countless evidence to the contrary. I have some friends who are super into conspiracy theories such as

I should have been specific, but I’m referring to build quality and material quality. And you’re right about a values thing. A $1000 toothbrush is probably amazing, but not good value and probably not necessary for perfect dental hygiene.

I should have been specific, but I’m referring to build quality and material quality. And you’re right about a

That’s why I said for quality. I’m not sure much of an argument can be made for the Toyota being better quality than the Mercedes. Also, not everybody needs the “best” for what they’re trying to accomplish. The Toyota is obviously more than adequate at doing many of the things you expect from a car.

That’s why I said for quality. I’m not sure much of an argument can be made for the Toyota being better quality than

Probably, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hold truth. There’s obvious exceptions to this rule such as supply and demand, but when it comes to quality, the 100k car tends to be better than the 10k car 99 times out of 100.

Probably, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hold truth. There’s obvious exceptions to this rule such as supply and

The only problem with Early Access is people not understanding what they are paying money for. Nobody’s being mislead or taken. There’s risks to early access and they’re very upfront about it.

That’s kind of what I thought. I don’t know how I feel about this.

Whoa bro, we’re only concerned with brochure marketing numbers when it comes to phone fights.

The games aren’t changing, they’re just being appropriately labeled now :)

It will be worth every penny. I’ve been playing a few months now on PC and it’s hard not to spend all of my free time roaming the to-scale Milky Way.

Haha, I hear ya. I love the Star Wars music, but I never played many of the games so I haven’t reached critical mass yet. And wow, I never expected such a shitshow to come from your comment when I first replied, but you apparently hit a touchy subject. To add fuel: Hans Zimmer > John Williams (IMO)

I’m down with some original music but I’d be pretty damn disappointed if I got that game and it had none of the classic music in it.

I thought it was funny, but I must have been mistaken.

I remember seeing a trailer for that game and thought it looked amazing. Good thing I forgot about it I guess. If you’re looking for a fun 4x space game, I’m having fun playing Star Ruler 2 that was released recently.

I think the general rule is that whatever size you are, the shirt available will be of the farthest size away possible.

I’ve been using the Adrenaline series for a couple years now. I haven’t found anything else that keeps my armpits this dry with no irritation or clothing discoloration. I prefer the Adventure scent (orange) but I think they all smell pretty good.

I’ve been using the Adrenaline series for a couple years now. I haven’t found anything else that keeps my armpits

It looks really bad. The Indominus Rex makes me cringe.


Looks neat. I don’t know about better graphics than DayZ, though. Unless DayZ SO is significantly dumbed down from ArmaII.

I had forgotten about this. Thanks lol

That’s disappointing. Of all the terrible things writers bring back for the sequels (Jar Jar for example), I can always use more T-1000.