He wanted to sue the person/tortoise responsible for the soft tissue damage, but he didn't have a leg to stand on?
He wanted to sue the person/tortoise responsible for the soft tissue damage, but he didn't have a leg to stand on?
Damn...jumping off ONTO the blob looked scary enough for me! No chance I would try that, ever. But it looked cool. Thanks, Giz.
The "moment" that Kelly referred to was in deference to these heroes, not ogling them. Way to keep it classy.
As I've mentioned in previous Shuttle-related posts, my father devoted a large part of his professional career to teh Shuttle program. I had the pleasure of meeting some of the individuals on this list, for sure, as I used to go to Edwards AFB with my Dad and he introduced me to many of the astronauts, much to my…
You don't have to be a "photographer" to take a nice photo, but please don't try to pass yourself off as a "professional photographer" unless you really are, as it is unfair to your intended customers and the true professionals out there. That said, check out this picture my then-12-year-old daughter took in our…
Relatively speaking, this is a circle-jerk discussion. Again, precisely.
I believe that in the context of the article, the "precise" part is referring to the "several moments" as actually being 3 to 4 seconds, not the measurement of time of 3 to 4 seconds as being precise in and of itself. Precisely.
I can't adequately describe the taste, but as I recall from my days as a youth it tastes just like it smells. I know this from siphoning gas from my parent's cars to fill up my motorcycle...
Could someone please zoom out and tell me what the guy wires to the left of the image are affixed to? Please tell me it's a giant cup of chocolate Jell-o pudding. Hammock, boobs, AND pudding?! Nirvana.
Heart-click to you, my new hero. Well Done.
Mr. Camping's life will now be consumed by gadgets and technology: feeding and IV pumps, pressure-reducing mattresses on infinitely-adjustable beds, high-tech and high-cost nursing and occupational/physical therapy...the list goes on. Is it germane to this blog? Not likely.
Dear iLuv:
Right on....reigning in spending must be at the forefront of the attack on governmental debt, as well as full restructuring of corporate taxation plans. The backs of the workers can not carry the load forever, so entitlements must be adressed as well.
Your dog eats your shit? Gross.
The Saleen S7 from "Bruce Almighty"...never actually seen one, and it's awesome.
Here's a clip of the medication robot I told you about. I had the audio swapped because there was some background audio that I didn't want to broadcast. Watch it get on the elevator...cool.
And while the American public foots the bill on this portion of the heist, the real crime was looting the original Chrysler bond holders of their stake in the company. Tim Geithner's thinking was .... "Repayment of ALL if your bonds' value? Nah...we were thinking more along the lines of 20%...You know, a nice healthy…
I realize he's gone now, but for hyper-partisan talk from the left side on MSNBC, I present to you Keith Olbermann. And Rachel Maddow isn't too far behind. And yes, O'Reilly is certainly on the far right, but at least he has the guts to bring guests on his show to represent the left's point of view (although he…