I like your ideas, especially the ambient sounds...perhaps a ceiling that "retracts" to show a nighttime sky as well? Damn right.
I like your ideas, especially the ambient sounds...perhaps a ceiling that "retracts" to show a nighttime sky as well? Damn right.
Sure as hell hope it's a MobileMe redux cuz my subscription runs out tomorrow and I'm not renewing because it sucks. I've changed to using Google calendar and Pocket Informant for my appointments, but no good solution exists for contacts between devices insofar as I can tell.
Hard to justify $5 on their app when a significant portion of my budget already goes into their coffers in the form of Diet Coke....God, I love that stuff.
And I thought we were becoming friends based on our robot discussion...oh well. Anyway, the Fox News app is quite well done, whether you like their particular spin to news or not. 'Fair and Balanced'? Maybe moreso than than, say, MSNBC, but not really. A good place to get another view of the world on your iPad? You…
Missing a few choices, for sure, but not far off; I would dispute the radiology designation as lazy, though, when speaking of interventional radiology. Funny story: had a radiology resident (intent on working in diagnostic radiology) visiting interventional radiology a few years ago tell me that he didn't like IR…
The HCA facilities in Richmond, Virginia....unfortunately for you, unless you are planning on family practice, that is the only residency program there. I'll shoot some video and upload it here next week....it's pretty amazing.
One of the local hospital systems I practice at uses robots to deliver the medications. It's definitely cool to see them roll by themselves down the halls, call the elevator, and get on it. Every time I see one it reminds me of the scurrying little robots in Star Wars, just bigger and a lot slower.
Did that dude just crap out Extra Strength Tums? Cool.
A crummy commercial?!
I'm not an audiophile by any means, but spending $250 on headphones would make me feel like an iDiot.
Perhaps it's because I've lived most of my (adult) life inside the IE bubble, but I really like Perfect Web Browser v2.6. I have my pages rendered in IE7, the tabs are great, and it works. Also free, if I remember correctly.
Proof that at least one survived the crash...
We rather like the name Equality 7-2521, given to us by the Council.
Wow. Since the hot-selling Volt (925 TOTAL as of April's number) is flying off the shelves, that should help resale value. HAHAHAHA....FOOLS!
Agreed. The chrome finish MIGHT look cool on the right car, but gilded would look like crap on any car. Example above is proof.
The sixth sheik's sticky Sheex are sick.
I believe the fishy part may be Peaches or Bambi...
"Babes in Burqas Gone Bad", perhaps?
My wife and I have a comforter on our bed that behaves EXACTLY the same way, and it sucks. A lot. To feel your skin getting hung up in it like it's made of thistle is a sleep-killer. No thanx on the Sheex.