I thought the next line in the song (Simply Irresistable) was "She's so completely kissable"...
I thought the next line in the song (Simply Irresistable) was "She's so completely kissable"...
Kneeds moar FotoShopp
The truth is irrefutable.
Whoa. She looks like she had a face transplant.
Yes, he did. But he looks way cooler in these glasses.
The guy who gets to clean that balcony is gonna need a vacation, too.
I thought the same thing at first. But then I thought of the prevailing view of the computer many years ago: sure it's cool, but the average person is never going to need one. They couldn't envision where we would be now, or imagine the applications of computer tech that we take for granted. Surface is right there. …
Yeah, bigger picture, like the American taxpayers subsidizing electricity and infrastructure for Americans who have oh-so-fashionable electric cars. Why stop at just SF? Think big. Crime syndicates do.
Wondered the same thing...flat broke, but giving away something as valuable as electricity? Seems kinda crazy, but then again, this is San Francisco, so, yeah, it makes sense.
Having scored this app prior to deletion, any ideas as to how one might sync said 'newly-discovered tracks' back into iPod player, if I were so inclined?
I stand corrected, and humbled.
You want funny? You got it, courtesy of, uh uh uh....uhh...Obama.
Having seen a cream-colored California with a tan interior at a recent auto show, I found it to be beautiful. Effeminate? Yes. On a par with, say, the Italia? Not even close. But a beautiful touring car it was, indeed.
Blood-letting, or therapeutic phlebotomy, is still used by the way. It is used to treat hemochromatosis, and rarely, polycythemia. Still scientific, and still effective.
Exactly. The future of organ transplantation, and the kidneys in particular, lies in autograft transplantation. The organs will be grown within the host's own abdominal cavity, thereby removing the two largest hurdles in transplantation: availability of organs, and antigen-antibody incompatibilities.
Who are these guys, Glute Perfect?
Hey Pakistan, your bullshit is showing...