Unsilent Minority

Well, Kirk, as the song says, the shooter's to blame. Not your fault. You played your part, and he (the shooter) played his game.

Mike, today is the saddest day of my life. It has become clear to me that I shall never be you, and that is unbearable. Thanks.

Thanks, Jesus. I keep waiting for the TV networks to celebrate the real victory in this raid, and that is the intelligence gathered that may, indeed, spell the death knell for al Qaeda. Hopefully this data may also give us additional information on just how complicit the Pakistani government has been in Bin Laden's

I hope the "dick" you are referring to is Mr. Gore.

In today's economy, wealth is fleeting, as you may well know. Ignore the problem? No. Look for a real solution to protect our environment versus cap-and-trade nonsense? Count me in.

Not a saint, but a scientist (medicine, though, not climate). We certainly need to protect the environment, but cap-and-trade is not an answer, but rather a convenient cash cow. Environmental stewardship is needed, yes, but not in any way is Al Gore's plan about this. It's about money, plain and simple.

Format sounds cool, but content sounds like a load of shit. The "solution" for climate change is to accept that it is a naturally-occurring phenomenon that cannot be "fixed" by cap-and-trade, wealth-redistribution bullshit. Fuck you, Al Gore.

Coherent, huh? Um, uh, uh, This, uh, video, uh, demonstrates that Obama, uh, has a, uh, tough time, uh off teleprompter. So, uh, enjoy.

Nothing to see here folks (for those of us that shun Twitter and Facebook, that is).

I've always been rather fond of strays. "Here, little fella. Come on, I won't bite...."

Denny, your reply can be pasted into so many areas of Federal spending, welfare programs in particular, that it makes me ill. Not you, the problems, I mean.

The US is there to protect the Libyan people from being attacked by their own government, a phenomenon previously unheard-of in world history, and certainly not recently, or at least in places we care about. As we all know, cruise missiles and sorties are the tools of choice when it comes to humanitarian aid, and

No pain, no pain.

You guys scared me with this article. When I fired up my computer and looked at the screen, I though someone crapped on it. It turns out it was just the image of the Italdesign.

A very informative piece on Discovery Channel a few years ago (I believe it was DC, but may be mistaken) showed exactly how and why the towers indeed fell as they did, and can be summarized as follows: The heat generated from the jet-fuel-accelerated fire was proven to be hot enough to melt the joints where the

The front kinda reminds me of the new Volvo styling.

Mansory must have made a shit-ton of money in other business ventures, because I refuse to believe that he made it as a supercar tuner. His "work", if you can call it that, is absolutely hideous and an affront to otherwise gorgeous cars. He should face prosecution for his crimes.

Hyundai up front, Venza in the rear. Nice.

That's hot. Makes my Honda Odyssey look, well, boring. Which it is. I shall now skulk away, ashamed.

The front end looks like the unholy spawn of an unnatural tryst between a GT-R and an SSR. Making it a GT-USSR. And henceforth it shall be badged thusly, and shall be referred unto by the same, so sayeth the commentariat.