Unsilent Minority

I see Mustang, personally, with a touch of Viper in the rear, at least from the side.

By good-looking you mean abomination, right? I, frankly, think it's disgusting.

Wow, the new Mustang is definitely different. Wait, what?! This a Jag?! Come on, don't bullshit me! Really? You're serious? Wow. Ok, but I just don't see Jaguar when I reluctantly look at this.

I saw Taurus when I looked at it as well. And that's not a good thing, either.

The Zonda's exterior was magic in front, kinda odd in the rear. On the Huayra, Pagani has reversed that design theme. I like the back a LOT better, but the front end is no bueno. I'm sure the interior remains sublime, though.

Can't get an image uploaded from work computer (damn spies!), but how about the Dodge Omni GLH Turbo, circa 1985? Pretty quick in it's day.

Guy #1: "Hey, dude, your chick is HOT!" Guy #2: "Really? She just looks average to me..." All these chicks are hotter than the average chick, so I don't buy it.....

Oswald was a trained soldier, and he didn't need to make the shot(s) 99.9% of the time to make it possible for him to be the killer...he just had to make it the first time. Which it seems he did.

Maybe the car is better off, but the idiot who pays $5800 for this wreck is a clearly not.

He should have frowned once he saw the rear end of this thing....

I second your emotion. I am a Ferrari guy, through and through, but I just can't look at this car and feel anything good.

If only I didn't have to see the rear end...or the front end, for that matter. Awful grill, horrifying tail. Why, Ferrari, why? The 458 Italia is a masterpiece, and you follow it up with this? Maybe it's your response to the Panamera, which is equally hideous, but it is a response that never needed to be made. Perhaps

@schall129: Yes, that is EXACTLY what I was hoping for with my magic machine...as a matter of fact, if the turbine blades were rotated slightly, like a propeller, it could INCREASE the wind speed with each successive pass through my magic energy tunnel, thereby creating an infinite energy source for all to enjoy.

@best3175: It appears that you, unlike the other responders, understand my mindless drivel, and for that I thank you.

@pishposh.mcgee: Damn, guys. I THOUGHT that the 'wind-tunnel-that-never-needs-wind' part, or the 'I-know-my-idea-is-impossible' part would have clued you in, but alas, I was wrong.

@Weakskills: You forgot about the secret "alloy" made of fairy farts and, of course, unobtainium.

@Cochese 2.0: Which would further increase the effect of cross winds on the bridge, leading to catstrophic collapse that much sooner. I'm all for it, so long as someone YouTube's it.

What if the turbines were arranged like a tunnel, with the wind from each passing to the next, then that tunnel came back around on itself, creating, essentially, a closed-loop, self-generating wind power tunnel that never actually needed wind? I know it's impossible, but my idea is just as feasible as this.

This is awesome...

My daughter (16 y.o.) has a black Lycra Ferrari shirt she bought while at an auto show with me. It looks rather nice on her, I must say. But, no, other than that one exception, it is not acceptable.