And, my oh my, how far Obi Wan Kenobi has fallen since Emperor Obama organized the First Galactic Empire....
And, my oh my, how far Obi Wan Kenobi has fallen since Emperor Obama organized the First Galactic Empire....
Interesting, but only because I don't believe in hairdryers.
I've heard about this. This is the new e-reader for porn only, it's called the Nook-e.
I would think that you would be laughed at nearly incessantly while wearing these, making your ride most unpleasant. No, but thanks for asking.
@Elvin Rivera: The Caddy that Zigs...all the way to the scene of the breakdown.
Too bad the a-holes who must show us their junk have to ruin cool ideas like this one. I never tried iChatr, but only because of the absolute certainty that it would be nothing but a swordfighting Roulette wheel. Thanks again, a-holes.
Music was painful, but the demonstration of shallow depth-of-field was pretty cool, if WAY overdone. And a Canon EF 50mm f1.8 lens is only about $100, so it could be done rather cheaply.
@Roberto G.: The threesome that you refer to is not novel;what is, however, was that the GUYS have racks in this particular instance. Novel, indeed, but also probably out there, somewhere, for someone to enjoy.
@Roberto G.: Interesting that in this internet picture, it's the guys with the nice racks instead of the lady...but I'm sure that's been done before as well.
@geekymitch: Thank you for your clarity. I agree completely, and I cannot see how this decision by Apple is in any way unfair. Like your phone? Keep it, and here's a free bumper. Hate your phone? Bring it back. Well done.
@mgramos: Semi likes your analogy, while I think it's a stretch. One is a life-and-death design flaw based on aesthetics that cannot be permanently rectified by any means other than a tear-down and redesign, the other is an inconvenient design flaw that can be rectified by a simple, nearly ubiquitous accessory. It's…
I guess if I'm going with a retro console, I'd just as soon get an original-looking console(s) and design the room in an 80's vibe; I'd put on my Member's Only jacket and skinny leather tie, and crank up some Motley Crue, circa 1983, on my dual-cassette Hi-Fi stereo. But that's just me.
Looking back at past "innovations" from the minds of men, ideas and breakthroughs such as fire, metalwork, electricity and hair gel...yeah, I guess it was all driven by sex.
@BabylonAndOn: My AT&T store, and the rebate is/was only at the store, had a $100 rebate IF you chose the monthly fee plan, which you could then cancel once the rebate is/was issued, which I plan to do.
@Greetings. I am Wu.: Hardware issue that CAN cause reception problems. *snap* (sound as Unsilent Minority snaps on case)....Issue solved.
@LoganR: Bought a clear, superthin-but-flexible polycarbonate case for my iPhone4 on eBay for $7 delivered. Damn near invisible, added no bulk, it's perfect. Who the hell needs to spend $30?! Suckers, just like you said, brother.
@peesauce: I don't think buying a case, which is a good idea regardless of which smartphone you buy, constitutes "fixing it yourself".
I love my iPhone, and my wife loves her iPhone. We had service with Verizon for the last 5 years prior to switching to AT&T in May (had iPhone 3GS for about a month when they offered me an even trade-in for the iPhone 4, less a $15 restock fee) and am completely happy with it. Antenna issue is a non-issue for us, as…