Dan Middleton

So they solved the problem of Alexis Bledel's inability to act if she's not doing Gilmore-style motormouth dialogue by literally making her character unable to speak at all? Innovative.

Teeth Dreams polarized THS fans? I thought Heaven is Whenever was the problematic, divisive record.

You must be out of the loop. Problematic is just the standard word for these situations.

I thought this was going to be about how sitcom characters have always been unrealistically likely to have twins ("They run in my family!") and now we're upping the ante.

"El Scorcho" is probably the only Weezer song of enduring value.

Honest to God, this is my favorite moment of that entire movie:

The late night comedy talk show format is pretty close to culturally irrelevant now in general.

The rage would be delicious.

Wait, so was the problem with Leno that he cruelly mocked middle America rubes, or that he only appealed to lowbrow middle America rubes? Can we get our narrative straight on why nobody liked Jay Leno (except all the viewers who made his show consistently higher rated than his competitors)? I mean, I know he's off