
Poor fellow. Too young.

Elevated what could’ve been a do-nothing recurring guest star, and the writers clearly recognized his abilities, because they gave him showcase episodes. Never would’ve seen that coming when he was just Jake’s sidekick in the early seasons.

Season 5 for (Spoilers) IS the season I have been hoping for. 

Yeah, I’ve always liked that she has long hair in the books and there are all these descriptions of her hair floating around in zero-g and, as you say, hanging over her face.

That and her being, you know, much taller than Holden which is an element of the Belters I wish they’d been able to put in the show - their

I liked that ‘do a lot, I don’t like the new one as much.
I would have preferred it a bit longer, since in the books she does that thing where she lowers her head and brings her bangs/curls over her eyes when she’s feeling down/hurt/embarrassed, etc. Would have been nice to see it on the screen as a character bit, but

You’re a bad person with bad hair based opinions. That do was fantastic.