
Good question, because if they show up with warrants AND guns, it should pretty much be a successful raid.

Me and friends have been trying to get Pedophisle to catch on, great minds think alot.

Over a month post arrest and over 24hrs post death

Anyone know what they might mean by an unsuccessful” FBI raid?

Locals called it Pedo Isle for years and so now, after most of the evidence’s been wiped, the authorities are going to have a looksy? 

That would be a fitting end for this place, once the investigation concludes. Is Elon Musk still selling flamethrowers?

Eww. The only Pedophile Island should be a barren one where we maroon all the pedophiles.

Don’t forget,

I love Vince coming back and adjusting his game and playing forever. Here’s a fun Vince fact that lets us Remember Some Other Guys: Vince played his first game during the locked out ‘99 season at 22 years old. His starting center that night was Kevin Willis, who went for 28 and 16 and made his debut in 1984, playing

A shockingly long list of those 1998 Draft G’s ended up playing for the Knicks:

That’s a much needed elixir after the past few days.

That’s awesome. All the times he drove him to travel baseball or took off early from work, or travelled to podunk to see him playing in the minors and then to get to see that? Fucking incredible.

Hitting a home run off deGrom is impressive. I hope this kid winds up on a Major League club soon!

Let’s Remember Some Movies: 1998

Sounds like it was a good year for Ed Norton.

What a draft!

“...simply from its television contracts.”

For all of those wondering how the Packers can operate with only a slim profit margin, they have something like $400 million in reserves, which also includes an enormous property development just west of the Stadium. The organization isn’t hurting for wealth or cash.

It’s a CBA rule, but it’s one the owners actually like because agents say the owners frequently point to it as an excuse for refusing to put guarantees into contracts.