Dan Livermore

I didn't mean to imply that you were judging me, just a response to anyone who would choose to do so. I'm sure I could easily justify it, if I wanted to, but justification or no, it's illegal either way. I don't rationalize speeding, jaywalking, or tokin' behind the bar, because what's the point? I do the things I

That's the beauty of it, I don't feel the need to rationalize it to myself. Call my actions "wrong" if you like, I have absolutely no reason to seek approval from anyone else.

Okay, I'll represent the differing viewpoint: I pay $60/month for 30/3 internet (in the mountains at 10,000 ft.) I spend $11/month on Hulu w/out commercials, get the rest of scripted tv from torrents, and most of my sports coverage from goatd(dot)net. I also have a friend's DirecTV password, so I can get the ESPN

It's only an "M" state if you use the full name "MyGodWhatAmIDoingInTexas"

*pees on entire entertainment industry

You should check out the rewards they're offering. For fans of the first movie, they aren't too bad of a deal. Not bargains by an means, but not outrageous.

My favorite was when Cleo Lemon was playing for the Dolphins and Siciliano called him "Liz"