This is how Rome fell, right? The stupid children of obscenely wealthy people became the stupid even wealthier elites and more or less ran the place into the ground, correct?
This is how Rome fell, right? The stupid children of obscenely wealthy people became the stupid even wealthier elites and more or less ran the place into the ground, correct?
So then fucking say that! Don’t say this cutesy, too clever by half, bullshit.
This one is bothering me more than most. Hurting animals is awful.
This one is bothering me more than most. Hurting animals is awful.
Why are the pretty ones always so dumb?
32 here, got it just fine.
Hitler was just a bit “offsides” but who cares because he built a dope reich.
“as a Pats fan”
Vice Sports’ pieces always seem like they’re written for and by people that think that calling it “sportsball” is the height of ironic wit.
Trump is totally going to force the NFL to change to be the USFL and he’ll make some dubious legal claim as to ownership.
That Trump is Gruden’s fault? I don’t follow your line of logic here.
Yea but did Gruden ever do pushups with a walrus? #neverforget
Legit question, is it the ref’s job to ensure the rules are followed or that the game is called the best it can be?
By referring to them as “white men” I think we all can deduce your real problems with them.
Did you just compare these nancy boys to the Land Baron himself, AKA the king of Grititude and emperor of Just Having Fun Out There? GTFO.
Both videos just made me profoundly sad for some reason.
Stop lionizing people like her. All she’s ever done was pretend to be a space princess in a couple movies.
list incomplete without the Hardly Boys