No, basketball players are generally shorter than their “listed” height. Often by a lot more than you might think
No, basketball players are generally shorter than their “listed” height. Often by a lot more than you might think
Elijah Wood is one of the least likable people out there.
He doesn’t wear cool glasses, though.
Dolphin fan here, and I vote no. But it is fun to win.
Smug white guy here, do you want to be right, or do you want to win next time?
Be funny?
Hey all you Hillary shills, this is on you. Trump is your fault. You kneecapped the guy in the primary that would have trounced Trump in the general election. Own this. Remember the lessons.
He ran the most issue based, respectful campaign I have ever seen. If that is your idea of “increasing the venom” we should just have bake offs? Play rock paper scissor?
Trump winning would be the logical end result of three decades of Clintonian, Third Way, corporatist drift in the Democratic Party.
Trump winning would be the logical end result of three decades of Clintonian, Third Way, corporatist drift in the Democratic Party.
Well maybe someone should have listened when most of the country resoundingly didn’t want Hillary to be nominated?
I voted Grayson in the primary and held my nose and voted Murphy in the general. Murphy was a typical Florida terrible Democratic candidate. We never have good people up for statewide races. It’s so frustrating.
That is most states and the rural/urban divide. It’s like that in blue states like California, Maine, Washington, Oregon, New York etc.
We’re all gonna die aren’t we? We’re all gonna die.
Jim Harbaugh is my favorite delightfully demented cartoon character.
As a Miami resident it took me a while to realize you were talking about Texas about the cocaine. Because we have both Disney and cocaine in this state in large supply.
Cool story, bro.
The American President has far more power than any other democratically elected head of state.
Thank you, Tim. I’m tired of that comment by people thinking it makes them sound smart.
I’m not saying I hope Roger Goodell is shot and killed, I’m just pointing out there used to be a lot more political and social type assassinations.