Yes. It's important to keep in mind that it might get worse.
Yes. It's important to keep in mind that it might get worse.
They'll get the third guy as he sits through a ridiculously long install.
Honestly I'd much prefer a game set in the same universe but far removed from the events of the trilogy, but set around the same time. Kind of a Han Solo smuggler type character would be ideal. Customize your own ship, fly around, explore. They could craft a whole new narrative that is smaller but equally compelling.…
You're reading and commenting on Kotaku, you stopped being cool long ago.
I both agree and disagree. I feel that the incredible violence and cruelty serves the message of the game very well but I also feel like better writing could have made the need for it obsolete.
The game is as violent as you make it. I know people who went through the entire game without knowing you could even do an execution on someone. I would also disagree that the violence is out of place. Do you think the radical racism of the floating city is out of place for what it is? No. So why would the…
I wouldn't call any of the violence in Infinite unnecessary. A story focused game doesn't have to be non-violent for the sake of the story. If anything, it brings the game further into realism (or as far as a game like Bioshock could get). Think about it; you're killing hundreds of people, who are all trying to kill…
The ending required you do something that very few popular video games, television shows, movies or even books actually make people do these days. Think.
Your gross oversimplification of the ending is probably why you naively dismiss it. Maybe if you took the time to actually explore the world and look beyond the surface plot to delve into some subtext you might actually understand what the ending meant.