Dan kelleher

Yeah the outfit was clearly designed just to be a statement. 

Such a great moment. I loved Hawkeye in Age of Ultron and Civil War. 

Yeah I’m a big defender of Age of Ultron but less coherent is a good phrase to describe that last battle. It just feels like a bunch of random robot killing.

Seriously. I’m so confused how or why this happened. Surely you’d still have to spend all that time re-animating the sequences right? So it’s not just like you are downloading a video and clicking “Change color”. So like it couldn’t have been to save time right?

And realistically you could say this about anything. Like how often is a hero one inch away from being shot in the head? The rat is the same thing. What if the rat had been one inch to either side?

Two kid’s deciding to break in to that garage and deciding to steal that old van seems just as random to me. What’s it matter? 

Totally agree with your comment. I also appreciate you the first Avengers love. It seems like a lot of people have forgotten how great that movie is.

I totally agree but I’m willing to look passed it because it makes Mysterio work so well.

Jesus my dumb ass downloaded that game on Game Pass expecting my familiarity with the Civ series and Stellaris to help me get by. Boy was I wrong. 

Definitely the white people over 40 thing, but I’m also guessing first full album? Lizzo and Maggie Rogers both had LPs before 2019 but their first full album was 2019. Too lazy to look up the rest. 

Worth noting that despite having both consoles I am definitely gaming on a budget. I just graduated school and that whole time it was way easier for me to pay $15 a month for a boat load of games instead of $60 for one game. 

So I’ve got a PS4, Xbox One, and a pretty good desktop computer. This last year Gamepass has made my Xbox my most played console. I could see how it’s not for some people but man you get a ton of variety with it. Plus with Witcher 3 and all of Final Fantasy coming it’s going to keep me busy. 

YEssssssss I’ve seriously been so close to buying some of these. So glad this is happening!

Yeah the first time I played it I remember thinking the gameplay was just Kotor with a Lord of the Rings skin. I definitely died but still loved it.

My friends and I played a ton of ME3 multiplayer. I don’t know what the exact class was but one of my friends always played as adept and would absolutely rack up way more points than anyone. 

Sticking with the theme of significant others learning gaming knowledge we just take for granted:

My parents would always take like one thing away from me at a time. No xbox? ok I’ll play games on the computer. No computer? ok I’ll play games on my game boy advance. No game boy advance? Alright I’ll just watch TV. No TV? Alright I will literally just sit here.

We are at a point with some issues where we don’t really need awareness. Like we all know at this point. I guess it keeps it in the news cycle rather than being forgotten. At a certain point I guess it’s the only real power some of us have. 

To be fair I also skipped that page and missed it. I’m assuming/hoping since he’s not on the cover he’s just shows up to talk to Kitty for a panel or two. 

Did they ever finish doomsday clock? I swear it started like two years ago.