Dan kelleher

I kind of hate this argument. I get where you're coming from but The Walking Dead isn't a choose your own adventure game. The point of it was the journey and how you would have reacted in the situation and how it affected what the people around you think. There is not suppose to be a perfect ending for making all of

Maybe Professor X can't take over his younger self because he is no longer in his original body?

This is so incredibly sad

You know, Buzz and Paragon Shepard are very similar people

I never saw flashpoint, what did you guys all think about it?

I hate call of duty. But I love shooting alien bastards. Maybe I'll get it in 2 years when the price drops...

God I want to like this game. I just get so bored when I'm playing it

Looks awesome, I love Captain America. But i'll be honest I just want to see some Guardians of the Galaxy footage

oh I heard he died i never knew it was substance abuse or that it was the reason he left the show

May kicks ass

I know same! I keep thinking back to Angel when they killed off Doyle in episode 8 or 9. The only thing is that it seems like abc/Disney/ marvel is trying to play it safe with AoS but who knows

I think a big part of the reason gta v is like that is because so many people, like you said, thought GTA IV wasn't "fun" enough.

Man what the freak why don't they use inhumans? (disclaimer I dont know a whole lot about inhumans) Obviously i can see why they don't introduce the whole empire but would it be so bad to say that Chan had discovered his inhuman power and throughout the season other could show up. It just would be so much simpler then

haha that's exactly why i'm thinking it! (that and basically every season of Angel)

I think it might be a chitauri helmet but i'm not posittive.

I thought this episode was great. I thought it was awesomly dark the way Scroch started using his powers even though his skin was currently not resistant. Also every scene between Coulson and May is gold and i'm starting to really like the Coulson/Skye relationship.

yeah i forgot how funny it is haha

costumes do look nice but excuse me for rolling my eyes at "Women trying to take back halloween"

his facts are wrong or he was making a joke because he's been joking about call of duty dog since the xbone reveal

Now playing

true but call of duty dog actually became a thing at the xbone announcement.