Dan kelleher

the very first shot looks like it might take place during the Avengers

Listen guys, I love Luke Cage and I want to see him in the cinematic universe. However, lets not get our hopes up just because we see a black character with super powers. We can't get over excited is all I'm saying.

I would definitely would pay to see that

They realize the ps3 is going to be super cheap in half a year right?

Patricia, no offense, but this is why everyone makes fun of you for over-reacting all the time.

Sweet I havn't watched it yet but i'm glad to hear last nights episode was good.

Soooo basically that means we can fight Hitler in a mech suit again?

Am I the only one who didn't like Saints Row the Third? Personally I'm not a fan of the humor and without that I feel like its just a stiff third person sandbox game.

damn totally though that it meant the next xbox would have a disc changer.

seems like a good chance to get back into the game

that cat is adorable

Am I the only one glad to hear this announcement? Yeah micro payments and online codes suck. However, its about time we got some quality star wars games

Lets be honest, not enough dinosaurs in modern gaming. Seriously I would pay $60 for a survival horror game that makes dinosaurs the enemy

Yes I'm with you. I think if they just make a story about characters who are completely unrelated to Shepard it would be good

Clearly you don't know Mass Effect lore that well. First contact war was like 5minutes long. #masseffectnerd

She is so fine

seriously how long did every first person shooter have "look up and down, now shoot non moving target"

I would be so pissed if whoever wins just decided to keep it to themselves.

No I agree that the status quo will be set back to normal sometime, but I don't think Slott is planing on doing it so soon.

"UH I didn't like this book/movie/song/game so i'm going to sue you!"