cool story bro. Now stop drifting where you can kill people. Also Mustangs suck for drifting. Fucking moron
cool story bro. Now stop drifting where you can kill people. Also Mustangs suck for drifting. Fucking moron
Then turn off your television and have your kids read a book. This kind of thing happens in real life, there is gun and violence and things explode. It's not like it was a naked woman or someone swore. Stop living in a bubble!
You, uh, tell them a house exploded? It's not like it's a traumatizing thing. You tell them there was something in there that went boom. It's not like it was planned by the news channel.
So those flowers squished down into that box? Yeah your wife will love those. I'm also sure she'll love getting chopped up by rotating blades as she goes out to get her romantic "gift". My "bloody" valentine.
The engine is still powering the truck forward, killing the engine will slow it down. Yes it will coast but slow enough to allow people to get out of the way