Dan Jennings

That scene had me laughing harder than it should have. Best part is, my brother and I just talked about "last resort" about a week ago.

Oh I know, but they could have just slipped in something about her. She was a big player for awhile and it's just odd we got not even a word about the character in passing.

I was hoping to see Control at least once this season. I really liked how her story was playing out and she finally realizes she isn't the puppet master. I doubt we'll see her at all in the final episode, I'm kinda sad her story was dropped. Side note, when Finch said he was the man who sold the world, I hope I wasn't

I was legit expecting a C- if not worst, like WTF was that finale.
We didn't get to see any nukes go off, even in space.

I thought this season was strong overall. It did have some bad eps, however I wouldn't call it a uneven season(I mean this isn't Gothem), but I do agree this finale was totally a mess. We got strange reveals and the final "battle" ended very strangely. Yes it could have never happened without Berry getting the plan

The more I think about it, Bran just created a bootstrap paradox for Hodor. I can't wait for GoT to go full on time travel confusing.

My mother and one friend who hasn't read anything of the comic followed it pretty well. They understand not everything will be explained right away and still enjoyed it.

This was shockingly good. A little all over the place, but I didn't find it confusing. It was a lot more funny than I thought it would be too. Was scared AMC would try and make it super serious. I'm kinda sad they'll be moving it to the 9/8c time slot in two weeks, because I fear it might hurt the ratings. I know I

I'm just loving this season. I feel so sorry for Hodor. His whole life was ruined because what happened in this episode. It's nice we are getting a lot more jumping around. Not loads of down time between characters like last season.

The bots are the robotic worms placed in Sarah's and others mouth. They are made by the Brightborn lady. Both Caster and Leda are the clones made by Susan. We really had no idea what the worm implants did or who made them until last ep so it's okay to be confused lol.

So seems Firestorm is now going Full Metal Alchemist on us, which hey making him more OP is okay in my book.

Isn't all sciences really.

It seems she finds Susan's research and tactics as obsolete and not worth carrying on with. She feels her implant tech is the future. I think she's going at this in two different ways. One she wants Susan out so she can be the big boss and push her research. Two if clones somehow are perfected or made better, her

I'm really loving this season of Orphan Black. It really is digging deep into the roots of the story and not creating loads of side plots that feel pointless (looking at you drug dealing Hendrix family, even if it was funny). We are still getting new faces, but they all seem to play a part in a way that isn't super

You won't trick me CBS exec.!

I have to say, I started out disliking anarchist but I'm on board now. Dude gets stuff done, unlike Oliver or Darhk who rather play kisseyface all season. It's like every episode one or the other plays the bond villain, laying out their plans and leaving the other alive just long enough to foil it.

Unsullied + Dothraki + 3 dragons + amazing tits, she can be my Queen.

"Um, I have to go… shit" Donnie is such a wordsmith.

I think one of my fav moments from tonight was when Ramsey was talking about taking Castle Black. Being a big shot asshole not knowing they now have a giant and army of Wildlings to back them.

The punch me in the face line was amazing. This episode was so full of great moments. Hope however this doesn't mean we'll get loads of filler since they pushed so much into this one episode.