Dan Jennings

You know how I'm like an astronaut? I'm out of this world, and I once had to poop in a vacuum.

I was just thinking this while watching the episode. It seemed the whole Chronos persona is completely gone. He went back to the fire gun and that's it. I would love to have seen his character pick up more traits after years of training under the time masters.

I hope they give Kira more plot and don't make her whiny. Don't get me wrong, she has a reason to be mad and upset, but it never makes for good TV. I'm also hoping the whole Felix thing blows over. I want funny partner in crime Felix back.

Donnie and Alison somehow just keep getting better. Donnie explaining how he killed Leekie was just fantastic.

These Daredevil reviews confuse me so much. Yeah it wasn't season one good, but with scores like this. It makes me think Elektra just might have killed the reviewers family in cold blood and this is their revenge.

“Jacqueline took the old lady to the movies, and the black guy’s dead!” Is my favorite line of the night. I really didn't like Mimi early on, she really felt forced, but as the season went on she really grew on me. This and her Sia had me rolling.

Lillian has really grown on me this season. I'm happy they gave her more of a subplot because she deserves it. RUN LILIAN!!!

This season is amazingly on point with the "music" there's a later episode (the number I can't remember). That has loads of great parody songs. Can't wait to read all the lyrics.

I'm really hoping for more Daddy’s Boy. It is so wrong, but so right at the same time.

Wow I wasn't expecting a D+. I had loads of fun watching this episode. Sara seeing herself, WOW she looks like.. "a total bad ass". Digging more into Rips past I think is a good thing. Seeing his life and what not really makes me feel more for him. Also he totally F'ed that chick up. One of my biggest problems is with

Can we get #FuckChuck going. I'm not a big Hashtag kinda guy, but for all that Jimmy has done for him, he really has it out for him. Yes Jimmy has done some down right criminal stuff, but almost always for something or someone he believes in. Chuck seems to be an asshole because he wasn't the fave child.

I know it's such a small thing, but people not commenting about Kendra's dyed hair really bugged me. That and Martins glasses. I know if they did it every episode it would be overplayed, but in the 1800's…. I think we could at least get a side joke.

OMG I was so hyped for Preacher and that preview killed me a little. I
was like okay lets see what they have……. oh god NO! The fighting was
poor the camera was poor and did they have some kinda blurr filter
going on? It was just BAD. Speaking of bad, the B in the rating better
stand for that because that's what this

I really need a gif of the awkwardly cute blonde chick dancing a Jimmy sings to the teachers. I also love how he had them eating out of his hands.

So I take it this hasn't gotten better since season two? I'm not trying to bad talk it, I just want to know. Season one shocked me in how fun it was. Then about six episodes into season two I stopped. I was hoping season 3 would be worth giving it a go, but from this score I take it as a no?

Barry's character sheet and secretly wanting to play was pretty touching really. When Adam invites him to sit down and he's overjoyed was a great moment. Berry also showing up out of nowhere with tater tots, makes me think his career move to become a "rapping ninja in the NBA" might be plausible.

I really think they are building Ilana's character amazingly. She was very cartoonish from start. This season is seeing her face some really big changes. Losing her job, losing her BF, and Abbi lying to her. They really seem to be trying to show while Ilana is a living cartoon sometimes, real life can happen to her. I

"Who among us has never dipped a hand into some loose cheese" No truer words have ever been spoken.

That whole ending had me glued to the TV. Say what you want about the Russians but when they say shortly, they aren't playing around. I really thought Martha would be the first victim with how her story was playing out. They had me tricked dedicating so much time to scene's showing Nina's possible freedom really made

You really do, I loved this episode, but episode six and nine still stand out to be my favorites.