Dan Jennings

Robert leaving the bible behind, only thing running through my head was him thinking. "You'll need this more than me". I'm happy to see them show O.J.'s life change and him realizing it. Finally hearing everyone party still kinda upsets me, two people are still dead. Happy about the verdict or not, dancing in the

OMG I forgot for a moment I was watching the walking dead. I thought for sure we'll see who died first scene next season. Then I see your 2nd paragraph and it scares me to death. I can already see all of this and more happening before we see who dies.

If it is Aaron, I'm so fucking done. I mean I think it will be, because he forced his way onto the trip pretty hard after not being a player for I can't even count how many episodes.

Wow, leave it to the walking dead. They get a 1:30 hour ep, yet nothing happening until the last 5 minutes and even that really wasn't anything. The damn RV has had more screen time this episode than Doctor Denise had all season. Cliffhanger included this episode was a mess.

Space pants and the opening interview had to be my fav parts of tonight. Space pants had both me and two others in the room cracking up. I also didn't mind naked and afraid, I loved the little detail at the end, when you kinda barely see Jones's giant bush peaking out from the pixelated crotch.

It's a spaceship dude, all the poop goes back in time as it exits your anus.

"Snart breaks free from his cuffs" in this scene I really think he was aiming for his hand. You can tell as he looks at his cuffs and hands he realizes he'll hit his hand. I mean it's better to freeze off one hand aiming for that, instead of both trying to hit the cuffs.

Maximum sass Liv is amazing. "Wait do you not find me attractive!, can't you just think of me as a sexual object?" finally "AHH Did that bitch just flick me in the face with her ponytail!" The whole club scene was a goldmine.

As someone who hasn't been watching Supergirl, but watched last night I thought it was pretty fun. The CW joke got a laugh out of me along with The Flasher and Supergirl being on fire. Overall it made me think about really giving supergirl a go, but more so it cements flash as my fav superhero and show.

Can we retcon this season? I mean it would be easy, we can just "Flash" it out of existence. They took two amazing characters Oliver and Felicity and wrote them into pants on head crayon eating dumb asses. Oliver refusing to learn from any mistake really irks me. Many times has he been told to stop lying and keeping

I agree and that's what really makes me dislike the Felicity accusers. She's a great character and really Oliver and his writing is just as much to blame. The fact they keep writing him into the same mistakes over and over doesn't help either. It makes the character look dumb and unwilling to learn.

Was just coming to post this, hopefully I can find a gif soon.

Man this has to be one of my favorite episodes in a long long time. So many quotable moments. Along with a few call backs, Daddy happy.
"It will be an honor to deliver the most precious package in New York City. Dat ass."
"That's what you get, when you're a BM Queen."
Finally that little kiss at the end, I was

If he was I must have missed that part. Like I said, will need to check it out.

I'm I going crazy or did we see a man in a blue/black jacket with a hat each time they planned to meet. I'll have to go back and check later, but I'm pretty sure he was always in the back/forground.

When Ilana started singing the "I shit" song but with rich, I lost it. I know she used the song multiple times last episode with different words, but this was perfect.

I know that moment was made to be super serious but I couldn't help but laugh. She magically healed just to get up and walk out on his ass. I know the spinal cord chip whatever bullshit helped, but no way someone who hasn't used their legs in months would be able to get up and walk out that easily.

When Abbi tries to do the upside down twerk like Ilana did in the Pegging episode I couldn't help but laugh. I knew it was going to fail, but her almost nailing it gave me hope one day Abbi will be able to work that booty.

I'm so happy they aren't taking notes from Arrows play book. I was scared we'll get half a season of Berry and Cisco not opening up or telling them what happened on Earth 2.

I love when she's driving on the sidewalk and throws her hands up when a dude cuts her off. "Can't you seeing I'm driving on the sidewalk, god people these days" - Scully.