
Works better as a 4 season DD.

You son of a bitch. Reading the headline I got my hopes up for a hard-top coupe version of the Miata. Alas, it’s a foldy hard-top rather than a fixed roof. I was surprised that I could fit myself into the ND and have some hope of driving it but a true coupe with [hopefully] ever so slightly more room to move the seat

Can be, if its old enough.

Feel free to arrest your Mom when she crosses the Brooklyn Bridge

Stopped reading at “weight does not matter.”

this isn’t a “schtick.” He is genuinely bigoted in more than one way, and this is just him exposing his real ugly side.

+26 foxcon suicides.

This is a Jalopnik Blip!

Ah, yes, the new Microbus.

But you can install one easily.

You get over it pretty quickly. Especially when you’re redlining 2nd without giving a shit about how much gas you’re using or worrying about stressing out the drivetrain. Once you stop caring about winning stoplight races, its alllll bliss. You don’t need more acceleration power when you’re already going fast, you