that photo of the mercedes against the yellow building is... wow
that photo of the mercedes against the yellow building is... wow
This is the kind of article I can star before even reading, then go on to read anyway.
oh, they’re on their way out, believe me
Now I wonder about levels 1 and 2. Like is level 1 cruise control or something?
go aggies?
small northern California university town on LSD
Avoid 90s (and certain 91s) because they had crank issues. Also 1.6 LSDs wear out over time so you’re better off using the 1.8 LSD (Torsen).
I have always found these new Explorer cruisers—particularly pre-facelift—to be aesthetically pleasing. It’s something about the tiny, slick tires, steel wheels, and low ride...
Wow they really weren’t fucking around when they called it Windy City...
I don’t know. IIIIIIIIIII don’t know man. Mazda thinks people won’t notice the big chunk of shit behind their heads when the top is down, but they most certainly will. How about a regular fucking PRHT?
Styling is obviously worse, but here’s the real tragedy: 86 boxer badge is gone.
Good for bad weather, much more secure, and doesn’t need to be replaced throughout the car’s life.
It’s probably just Ken Block’s new car. He’s great marketing for Ford and him driving a Focus will surely help them move RSs and STs off the lot.
Is a car with that much mass unsafe in collisions, for the other car? Imagine this colliding with a Tercel.
Dude Torch, where did the models of the Miata and the old roadsters come from?? I’m vibing with them hard!
Turning a straight road into one with curves? The Miata-owner in me sees no problem at all.
Let’s take away design from your life and see how much you like it
Californian. I go to a variety of local Mexican dives, and Chipotle. I’m able to get past all of the Chipotle-bashing simply because I don’t compare it against other Mexican food. I just enjoy it for what it is, which for me is a kind of strange taco-oid arrangement that I can’t get anywhere else.