
I hope they find these fuckers and ruin their lives. Fire them. Blacklist them.

I hope the press skewers the bastard publicly, is all I can say.

You know the angry shakes? I have that right now reading this.

Yeah, that part is basically the fucking worst of it all.

I hate anonymous commenting. It brings out the worst in people. The assholes come out in full force. I just can't believe this shit. Are these people devoid of human decency?

This whole case is like a microcosm of rape culture.

The "anonymous" comments are seriously sickening.

I don't know why people are so fucking gross. The boys raped her. It's on camera. Don't have sex with somebody who is throwing up/just threw up and is clearly not sober enough to consent. Cannot consent = rape. It's so simple. It's so harmful to pretend like it's hard

The idea that a girl or woman was raped makes some people so angry, doesn't it. Not on her behalf, no, but because they refuse to believe some poor boys would do such a thing or that JUST MAYBE IT ISN'T A CASE OF A WOMAN BEING A DIRTY "SLUT." So quick to cry about innocent before proven guilty, but somehow the

This story breaks my fucking heart every time I hear about, and I have caveman-like urges to just decimate the people involved and those who would smear her into piles of meat and bone. This is just sickening icing on a shit cake being baked in the age of disinformation warfare.

I'm sure Canadians might be less than thrilled that someone who works for their department of defense doesn't understand how the internet works (protips: it's forever, and not as anonymous as you think!) but I'm glad if it means this harassing monster can be identified.

My eye twitched while reading this, I'm so angry for her parents. Can't these assholes just leave Rehtaeh in peace?

Didn't Death dump Thanos for Deadpool? Goes to show you, you can kill half the population of the universe for a girl and she is still going to dump you for the guy who makes her laugh. It's an important life lesson and fundamental law of the universe, you can wield "ALL OF THE POWER COSMIC!" and if you are a d bag the

Or Marvel's License To Print Money

This was back in the day so they had to use the Care Bear Stare.

If we are lucky we will get a different movie for each of these artifacts and a final movie about what happens if you combine all of them into a fabulous tiara, starring all of the different teams originally tasked with defeating these objects. It can be called Marvel's Clusterfuck.

I closed my eyes but when I felt Mephisto's cold hands on my shoulders, I ran out the house

Here is a list of people she has defeated:

There is nothing in the Marvel universe that can stand up to its power, and all the cosmic beings and doohickeys combined couldn't make a dent in it even if they wanted to.

Close your eyes, uses a lot of imagination and wish very hard and... then Mephisto will appear and trade it for your marriage.

I disagree with the cosmic cube, mostly as comedian Luke Mckinney pointed out, the only wishes and alterations that stay permanent with the cube are retcons to recton the wishes and alterations of the cosmic cube. Still a better name then the Tessaract though, I'll give it that.