moped rental business

I like to imagine all the really badass gazillionaires (Ford, Rockefeller, Astor, Vanderbilt, etc.) standing around in hell polishing their brass knuckles and counting down the years until Satan arrives with this bitchwimp on a leash so they can collectively beat the fuck out of him for all eternity.

I bet there are a lot of disappointed people who clicked on this link hoping to find a very different kind of BBC Dad.

None of these have the requisite offensiveness for a truly bad Sandler movie.

iron man is your version of serious? what?

You say you are happy TLJ broke free of being a retelling, but TLJ itself was basically a remake of ESB, only the Hoth battle was at the end and it had the climax of RotJ jammed in there. 

Can I join? Force Awakens was just a rethread of A New Hope. I thought TLJ would be better as they had all the exposition done. But it was boring. It was just the ‘culture wars’ buttons it pushed that gave it any heat. I’d had zero expectations that this one would turn things around.

I like Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver a lot, so I assume this trilogy is still better than Lucas’s plan to make the third trilogy about the little creatures that live inside midichlorians.

Support thread for folks who found both Force Awakens and TLJ boring and realized you’ll never love Star Wars as much as you did as a child and that’s ok

This op-ed is completely correct and articulates a vital point about the way that cinema is becoming monopolized. It's well worth reading, and anyone who has a problem with it is a dummy.

“The Russo Bros are so fundamentally sound in the way they communicate spatial relationships between characters during set-pieces. It’s what truly separates their work on this scale from most others’. It’s truly jaw-dropping how grounded the audience is at all time.”

Ah yes, who can forget this all time iconic

I realize that the Spider-Man and the X-men movies may share plot similarities and character arcs with movies that Scorsese considers art, but you’d be arguing that art is somehow tied to plot, in the same way that art might be argued that art is inextricably tied to style. This isn’t the case: romance novels can also

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He was defending Michael Jackson and R Kelly back on Chappelle’s Show and nobody took it seriously then, and they shouldn’t take it seriously now. It’s a joke. Dave Chappelle doesn’t really think kids should be happy to be molested and if you honestly think he does then I don’t even know what to say. I’m not saying

It runs in the family

I mean she’s right.

Keep reading. Those are big spoilers, but it’s a hell of a ride. (Stop reading after Frank Herbert dies - there are only 6 real Dune books.)

A hour and forty nine minutes? Noooope

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If it was 1986 then she was most definitely getting high to ‘Party all the Time’ by Eddie Murphy, which could also be her campaign song.

I hear that’s what they’re replacing “Never Had A Friend Like Me” with.

One of the Genie’s wish rules is that he can’t bring dead things to life. So not even he can save this movie.

That’s our Robert!