moped rental business

We know enough to be pessimistic about it, Yoji Enokido who is responsible for all the sexual symbolism won't be working on it. Tsuramaki (the director ) will be supervising the anime along with live action director Katsuyuki Motohiro whose record doesn't seem impressive and I doubt that the gang that previously

Kazuya Tsurumaki is supervising it along with live action director Katsuyuki Motohiro.

No way in hell can they replicate the quality of the original. The sheer number of highly talented people working on it is astounding, it is practically impossible to pull it off again. Perhaps if studio Khara was working on it there would be hope, but with IG at the helm, you can forget about this thing.

The original writer won't be involved, it will be some j-drama actor that wrote one j-drama screenplay before this. This thing is gonna suck.

Her foreign policy knowledge has been praised by a lot of people, which I see as weird considering she is very right compared to the democrats on that issue. I am weirded out that Bernie didn't point how disastrous intervention in Lybia was, how she didn't learn from her mistakes at all. Her plan for providing Kurds

From what I have seen Middle-Eastern Al Jazeera wasn't a bit propagandist, it was insanely propagandist. Here are some guys justifying genocide, it is amazing really. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I agree that American involvement in Iraq was a huge a mistake, but let's not call dictatorial regimes that commit horrible atrocities stable. Also, keep in mind that if Gadaffi wasn't ousted, you probably would have had a situation similar to that one in Syria, which would make matters even worse.

Yeah it is unfortunate, but people are naturally attracted to simplistic solutions that the right offers. Increasing the political and economic participation seems counterproductive and even ineffective considering that many of these extremists come from middle-income families. There is no solution, but people always

I wonder if he will tackle some controversial content like atheism. God knows he hasn't talked enough about it.

Right, because criticizing one person is obviously a sign that I hate an entire nation. Not like the guy is universally loved in Serbia either.

For all of those who don't know Kusutirica has become that one insane guy on the street shouting conspiracy theories. He has this weird fixation on CNN which he sees as American instrument to global domination and he thinks that war between America and Russia/China is imminent. He also hasn't made a decent movie in

I thought box motive symbolized how Jimmy is trapped by his own destiny or societal forces. No matter how much he tries to improve himself and achieve a success through system, the society ( or HHM in this episode) always pushes him down, almost forcing him to become a criminal.

I think your point completely ignores how religiosity can form our own personality. Children brought up in those weird Jesus Camps have substantially lesser chance of being 'good' than the children who were brought up in normal households. I am not saying that humans are some sort of clays only to be formed by

The decision to shift away from Riggan's point of view could have been made to reinforce the idea that Riggan truly has special powers. Since the camera obviously isn't situated in his POV, that would make his previous demonstrations of magic a part of objective reality.

If Riggan truly has special power, then that would make this movie even more self-indulgent than I previously thought it was.

You kind of realize that you are a posting a video where Greenwald clarifies that in fact he didn't say that US government is worse than ISIS? You couldn't be that stupid, right?

It's sad to see how Takahata was basically ignored by mainstream critics for entirety of his career and even if someone mentioned him it would only extend to his work in Ghibli. I mean his Hols: Prince of the Sun is the first animated film to carry the stylistic bearings of anime, you would figure that would be worth

Yep, Hayek was a big fan of Pinochet's politics.

Space Dandy is pretty great,from what I have seen most complaints about the show come down to "It is not Cowboy Bebop!!!",which is weird considering how the show doesn't even attempt to be that anime.Seriously people,just focus on the show that is in front of you.