
I’m udderly amazed at how much Kotaku is milking this Nintendo Switch thing. We get it, y’all are dairy excited. But let’s not lose perspective. Some people have real beef with Nintendo right now, and I have to say, some of that is really a lot of bull. Still, if Nintendo wants to keep up, they really need to hoof it,

I didn’t include that one scene with Lusamine because SPOILERS but that, too, was messed up.

Pokemon has a long and celebrated history of bastard trainers...

What... what the hell? Leonard Cohen is dead, Trump is in the White House, and now Splash is actually USEFUL?

That is really cheesy. A voice actor has no ability to tell if they are getting paid what they are worth if they can’t tell what game they are working on, or how significant the part is. The companies have no other excuse than to take financial advantage of the actors ignorance. It may not be illegal, but it sure

Oh man, his delivery is excellent!

It’s a baffling choice.

Lots of 80s and 90s references this week. The k-mart one was pretty hilarious to me.

...those cheek squiggles... No matter the angle they now look like some weird mustache (or super long nose hair?) Can’t unsee it anymore.

Kirk, I love you, I love you now and always and I love Tombstone and routinely quote the movie with my big brother at least 9 times a day.

Apparently the game freak is insulted we compare an innocent pokemon with donald trump and choose to create the official one.

buuuu :(
Maybe not this game, but i think it would be a nice experiment to do it into another game... what if you could finish it anytime you want, like some Matrix’s red pill all the time on your pocket to use it whenever you want?

That would change the way we perceive the length of any game, and you could have

Armed robbery doesn't count as PvP?

He could understand the direct consequences - he couldn’t understand the more minute ramifications of his actions. As in, his autism made it more difficult for him to understand why it was morally wrong, or whom his actions damaged.

Not saying he couldn’t understand at all, just that he wouldn’t understand as much as a

Maybe its the same reason Rickon didn’t zig-zag?

You know nothing Jon Snow.

I get it now.

She needs to go sit in a coffee shop and be judging people on listening to mainstream music.

I know its supposed to be a Barbie Dall but I see Charlie Bradbury action figure