Daniel Green

To solve the dilemma of making my older, pre-Dreamcast systems play on a modern TV I simply didn’t. I found a 24" RCA CRT TV at my local thrift store a few months ago. lugged it to my electronics room on the 2nd floor and cleared out space in an old media center I’ve had for years.


So, enabling this is saying, “you have permission to store the things I say.

You can still buy them for about $450

They don’t make Framemeisters anymore, so the new alternative is the OSSC, which you can build yourself or pay about $250 for one. Don’t forget the cables.

Great write up and reference to the My Life in Gaming guys, seriously they are the best. Also, kudos for never mentioning “Just build a raspberry pi”. It’s great to be able to retain some utility out of your original cartridge connection without hauling a 200 lb Trinitron CRT to your house from the side of the road.

My (large) gym just has one squat rack (technically a Max Rack, so can be used for more than squats). There is one guy there who appears to be an independent personal trainer who is not an employee of the gym who has his clients doing inclined push-ups in the rack when he is taking a break from just chatting with them

“I just want to point something out: If you follow the rules, ‘ness’ implies that the SNES is pronounced ‘sness,’ 3DS is pronounced ‘three deess,’ and N64 is ‘nuh-sixty-four.’