
Hey now, all white people are horrible bigots who are totally culturally insensitive and have to be led around by their hand and talked down to when it comes to topics like this. And it’s ok, because it is satire, right? And anyway, if you don’t find it funny and self-deprecating, then you are probably a racist and

Thanks yo I really appreciate your comments.

Yeah, I agree but I would stop short at criticizing TFA author too much, now that you’ve explained his level of contribution.

I hate these “guide for white people” articles that deadspin/gawker (kinja?) has been running lately. I’m more offended that it is hack material. The fact that the “author” has only written three articles for the site, the other’s being white person’s guide to a black bbq and white persons guide to a black church

I think people are responding to the headline of your comment rather than its substance. I basically agree with you and moreannoyingthanaDKcommercial. Most instances of darkening a white person’s face to look black are racist, but not necessarily categorically - it’s the intent and the insidious portrayals of the

yeah this is inside baseball

I am criticizing the article’s tone and content.

I addressed the article’s attempt at satire. It’s fatuous, transparent, inaccurate, and insulting.

The tone and content of this article is, essentially, trolling white people who are conscientious about racism.