Daniel Terrazas

"Die Hard in a retirement home." Hasn't that already been covered in the Red franchise?

I'm not normally one for soundtracks. They usually don't add much to the show, and are just song chosen to manipulate the viewer into feeling what the director and writer want them to feel. But, I will be getting this one. This show's song choices are not only period perfect, but actually add to the show and feel

I binged the first two seasons of Black Mirror in one day… Turned out that was a bad idea. Too much darkness for the soul to take in in such a short amount of time. Can't wait to make the same mistake with this season! Fantastic show. :)

I enjoyed this episode immensely, probably because (relative to season 3) it is very light and briskly paced. The jokes hit fast and hard. Knowing just how dark this season gets, it was nice to get something that was just plain funny.

The older you get, the more places that you could have been killed at goes up exponentially. When you reach a certain age, most places are places that you could die. Mr. Ford could have just as easily died while getting a piece of fruit at the super market.

Oh God! There'll be Fago coated orgies everywhere!

I saw the word Stranger Things and the word "badass" together in a headline while scrolling, and I was surprised to see that Elle wasn't the character being discussed. Ryder does very strong work on this show, but Millie Brown in the MVP of this series. Elle is a quite possibly the most captivating new character

I'm a relative newbie to the series, and even I'm excited about this! To the more experienced MST3K fans, what are some good jumping in points? I know that the series had a couple of different eras during its run, but what would you say are some of the better episodes to check out for someone trying to enter the

This show just cemented it's place among the great animated shows in history. A lot of shows have a great season, and then kind of lose steam, but if anything BoJack is just charging full steam ahead. It joins that exclusive list of "comedies" that are able to deliver emotional gut punches and real and bleak

Oh, boy… Guys… This is going to be bad, isn't it? You can only cash in on a horror gimmick once. Didn't they learn anything from the original Blair Witch sequel? Or the Paranormal Activity sequels? Or the Saw sequels?

One of the things that I really like about Ignatiy is that he is more than willing to just enjoy a fun movie. It doesn't have to be prestige dramas and Oscar-bait. Just a well crafted, fun film. That quality reminds me a lot of Roger Ebert. I know that a lot of people really didn't like the first Now You See Me

Headed to Amazon to purchase this as soon as I saw this article's headline and found of that Noah Hawley had written a novel. His work on Fargo was absolutely masterful, and I can't wait to see how it translates into the format of a novel. This should give me my Hawley fix until season 3 of Fargo.

This makes me so sad. One of my favorite cartoons as a child was Duck Tales. May Mr. Young rest in peace in a swimming pool of gold coins. :(

I doubt that it's meant to be portrayed this way, but I hate when older, original fans of a band try to discredit the love that younger, newer fans have of a band. I understand that there is a special connection that original fans have of seeing a great band or other artist in its inception, and being there during

The last time this many fantastic actors were manipulated into such a shitty movie, we got Movie 43. Well, this isn't that bad. That should be the tagline: "Not as bad as Movie 43!"

What can I say? I'm a huge fan of Inside the Actor's Studio.

I'm more of a Lipton man myself.

Is Lemonade worth a listen? I've seen that it's been getting some pretty glowing reviews, but having not really been a fan of Beyonce, I'm not sure if it's worth giving it a shot. Has anybody around these parts heard it, and what do you all think?

I was introduced to the original Watership Down adaptation by an ex-girlfriend, and have been scarred mentally and terrified of rabbits ever since.

He did make a lot of salient and understandable points regarding how it was going to be nearly impossible to cast this character. It is a shame that he used the term "SJW" because, as the comments here are showing, it automatically makes people less receptive to what you're trying to say. And, with good reason,